Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Tip Well Over Labor Day Weekend & Use The Soft Power Of Kindness To Help Overturn Our Corrupt Political/ Corporate Order—NeilAquino.com

Below is the entirety of the most recent blog post at my new blog All People Have Value—

“Please consider tipping well over the Labor Day weekend and please recall that Labor Day is a holiday and service workers merit a tip at 150% of what you normally tip. This is just as you’d expect time-and-a-half for working a holiday.

If you go to a store or business place where tipping is not expected, you can hand out a $1 scratch-off lottery ticket to the person helps you. At the least, you can thank people for working a holiday meant to give working folks a rest.

Let’s use the soft power of our own example and leadership to create a climate where progress is possible and anticipated.”

At All People Have Value—which is part of the full site NeilAquino.com—I’m working on the themes of the value of every day life, the role of metaphor in existence & the soft power of kindness and connection with others.

These things will with time provide the foundation for a radical change away from the corrupt and ethically dead current political and corporate power structure of our nation.

September 1, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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