Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Still Staying The Course—NeilAquino.Com Will Be Up And Running In July


While I’ve not made a new post on the blog of late, I’m still here.

I am working on my new project that will be called NeilAquino.com. I plan to have it up and running next month. I’ll be offering more details about the project soon here on Texas Liberal. I will be having a new blog at my new site.

It has been nice to take a break from blogging over the past few months. It is good to take a break from something you have been doing for a long time and thinking about new ways to move ahead.

Thanks to folks who have been checking the blog from-to-time to see if I’m still around.

Above is a picture of a ship that I took while in Galveston recently.

Just like this ship in the picture, I am staying the course. I hope you are doing the same.

June 21, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , ,

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