Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Los Angeles National Cemetery

Here is a picture of the Los Angeles National Cemetery that I took earlier this week.

I often try to go to a veterans cemetery when I’m on the road.


March 15, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized | ,


  1. Thanks for sharing this photo. How our veterans are treated and honored in life and death says a lot about a people.

    Nice composition in the photo itself.

    Comment by Newton | March 15, 2013

  2. Stunning, oddly beautiful photo. It’s a well-kept place unlike the lives of many of the survivors.

    Comment by TXsharon (@TXsharon) | March 18, 2013

  3. [...] Neil at Texas Liberal was in Los Angeles this past week. When Neil is on the road, he tries to make the time to visit a veteran’s cemetery. Neil posted this week a picture from the main veteran’s cemetery in Los Angeles. [...]

    Pingback by Texas blog roundup for the week of March 18 – Off the Kuff | March 21, 2013

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