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30 October 2014

Thailand's High School Civic Activism in a Time of Martial Law

A group of high school students in Thailand is organizing a series of protests, demanding education reforms from the military-led government.

Pioneering Trinidad & Tobago TV Personality Hazel Ward-Redman Remembered

Hazel Ward-Redman, who showcased the musical and artistic talent of young Trinbagonians through her television shows, has passed away. Fans and protégés pay their respects.

29 October 2014

Aleksandr Makarenko: Digital Quartermaster for Ukraine's Army

RuNet Echo

The Ukrainian army and pro-Kyiv forces, underfunded by the state, have relied heavily on support from ordinary Ukrainians like Aleksandr Makarenko, who has raised over $75,000 on social media.

Laughing at Russia's 2018 World Cup Logo

RuNet Echo

Good will is a rare commodity among Russian social media users, and Russia's logo for the 2018 World Cup became the target of mockery the moment it went public.

Understanding Southeast Asia in 19 Infographics

Global Voices looks at 19 infographics that help explain the promising future ahead for Southeast Asia, as well as the obstacles to greater regional prosperity.

#LeyChavez: Peru's Chavez Law Could Endanger Email Privacy in the Workplace

Global Voices Advocacy

The bill popularly known as #LeyChavez would regulate the use of information technology in the workplace. But how invasive is the bill?

6 Things You Wanted to Know About Cameroon but Were Afraid to Ask

Who are Cameroon's big names? Do English speakers and French speakers get along? Gaelle Tjat, based in Douala, gives a colorful portrait of her homeland.

28 October 2014

The Upsetting Ethnic Taxonomy of Russia's Richest Businessmen

RuNet Echo

One of Russia’s most popular news websites, the once vaunted, finds itself at the center of a scandal today, after publishing an ethnic breakdown of Russia’s 200 richest people.

People in Burkina Faso Are Taking to the Streets Against a ‘President for Life’

Protests swept cities in Burkina Faso over President Blaise Compaoré's proposed changes to the constitution to let him run for office again. He has held power for 27 years.

GV Face: Asylum Seekers Are Fleeing Conflict to Face Brutal Politics in Europe and Australia

GV Face

According to the UNHCR, 612,700 applied for asylum in North America, Europe, East Asia and the Pacific last year – the highest since 2001.

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