Creeping Creationist Vouchers Featured on Bill Moyers

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6 Responses to Creeping Creationist Vouchers Featured on Bill Moyers

  1. Janell Bock says:

    I have yet to be presented with any clear, scientific proof of “The Big Bang Theory”‘s validity. Where did the energy which created the explosion come from? Matter and energy cannot be created from absolute nothing; that is scientific fact. Only God can do that.

    On the other hand, Creationism has yet to be disproved. You may not want to admit that there is someone greater than you out there- prove me wrong, then. The Bible has been around for thousands of years, and every word in it is true. Including Genesis 1.

    What are we to teach our students, then? Evolutionism- that is, The Big Bang Theory- is scientific theory. Which means, it is only supposed, and has yet to be proven.

    If you get a chance, take a long hike to the top of Pike’s Peak. After looking around, how can you really believe that all this beauty happened by chance?

    • Dylan, Den CO says:

      I have yet to be presented with any clear, scientific proof of “Only God can do that”‘s validity.

      “The Bible has been around for thousands of years, and every word in it is true.” Prove it! Man came from dust, are you serious!? Eve from a rib? They had sex and their children slept together. Would you allow a brother and sister to sleep together? I guess you are okay with it but I think it’s disgusting!

      I’ve been to the top of a few 14’ers in CO. So I am to believe God happened by chance?

    • Tim says:

      Actually, there is proof of the Big Bang Theory. Observable proof. Due to the Doppler Effect, we can see see if objects are coming towards us or moving away from us. Much like an emergency vehicle with a siren changes in pitch in relation to the observer. If an object is moving towards you, it’s blue-shifted. If an object is moving away from you, it’s red shifted. Every cosmological object is red-shifted with the exception of one, the Andromeda Galaxy. This proves that not only is the universe continuously expanding, at at a rate faster than Hubble’s Law, but all of these objects came from a single source.

      If you’re curious about why the Andromeda galaxy is blue-shifted it is because our Milky Way galaxy is due to collide with it in due time. That time being a very long time from now when we are now longer here.

  2. nathpz says:

    So basically, your belief is, the older a piece of knowledge, the more likely it is true? Does that mean you believe we never learn things? That everything we have supposedly learned throughout the course of human history is a lie, except the Bible?

  3. Pingback: Texas blog roundup for the week of March 4 – Off the Kuff

  4. Pingback: Texas Progressive Alliance Round-Up—The Work Of Freedom Is Up To Each Of Us « Texas Liberal

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