Saturday, October 25, 2014

To continue incompetence, vote YES on Proposition 1

From the Secretary of State:

"The constitutional amendment providing for the use and dedication of certain money transferred to the state highway fund to assist in the completion of transportation construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation projects, not to include toll roads."

From Bay Area Houston:
"The constitutional amendment will allow elected officials to raid the Rainy Day Fund for $1.7 Billion dollars lining the pockets of private road contractors to repair neglected roads across Texas due to mismanagement of funds by the very elected officials calling for this amendment."

The Rainy Day Fund was never designed as emergency spending due to mismanagement and neglect but it is an easy sell. The contractors who will benefit from the spending have spent millions to get billions on advertisement in support of the amendment. And who could be against fixing the potholes in the roads or relieving congestion on the highways or finally finishing I45 South? Shit, after writing that sentence I will vote for the damn thing!

But...back to the point. A vote for Prop 1 is a vote to continue the incompetence that our Texas Legislature is proud of. This is the way they do business. Neglect an issue for a decade then raid the piggy bank. They did it last year for Prop 6:
Proposition 6 is a constitutional amendment that would take $2 billion out of the state’s Rainy Day to create two accounts to help fund water projects in the state: the State Water Implementation Fund of Texas (SWIFT) and the State Water Implementation Revenue Fund of Texas (SWIRFT).
Texans fell for that crap too. Unfortunately these are bandaids on gaping wounds. From Paul Burka of Texas Monthly:
A smart approach would have been to raise the gasoline tax a decade ago, a solution that would have provided a permanent source of funding for TXDOT. Instead, we choose to dip into the Rainy Day Fund to provide a fix for transportation that will be a drop in the bucket. State officials have known for a long time that it requires $4 billion to $5 billion a year to keep pace with the current level of congestion on Texas highways. Proposition 1 barely gets us to first base. 

Unfortunately that is way too many words to read by most Teabaggers in Texas. Prop 1 will pass and in the state that is proud of not rewarding incompetence, we will reward incompetence.

And be proud of it. 


Linda Chesnut said...

There was no selection for "Hell No!" on the ballot, so I had to vote "No".
Doesn't anyone remember the reason the fund was established???

John Cobarruvias said...

It was designed to soften the downfall of a recession or downturn in the economy. It was not designed for emergency funding as it is being used today. the Teabaggers of Austin can't govern so they wait for an emergency then either raid the fund, or raid help to the poor, the sick, or the elderly. It is classic stupidity.