Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Throwing darts at the Galveston Young Teabaggers

Not one Tea Party official said a thing. They think this is funny. They tolerate this activity. They tolerate racism. They tolerate sexism. They tolerate disrespect. In fact they seems to encourage it. They have brought nothing but hate to the political environment. From ABC news:

GALVESTON, TX (KTRK) — A dartboard adorned with the faces of Democrats set up outside a polling location has a young Republican group apologizing. The activity was set up on Saturday outside the Galveston County Annex on Calder Rd in League City. People took aim at President Barack Obama, gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis and former Galveston County District Judge Susan Criss who resigned to run for State Representative, District 23.

This is the type of "republican" the tea party has created and is encouraging. They have taken a party that once considered themselves the model of conservatism and turned it into one based on racism, sexism, disrespect, ignorance, and winning at all cost. I've said it before:
The GOP was once the party known for powerful [conservative] politicians such as Lincoln, Reagan, and George Bush Sr. Today they have been replaced by Abbott, Patrick, Paxton, and Cruz. Respect, once a conservative value, has been replaced with calling the President of the United States a Kenyan, a socialist, a man who hates America and "pals around with terrorists". Debating the facts have been replaced with simple minded sayings, race baiting, and downright lies. Defending a political position has been replaced by throwing temper tantrums and holding the country hostage. Under the party of Lincoln these were never considered conservative values. Under the party of Patrick these are now the new values of "the Tea Party conservative".
The young Teabaggers of Galveston thought throwing darts at elected officials pictures at a polling location was cute. And their leaders thought so too. This is the Texas Tea Party.

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