Friday, June 13, 2014

What idiot would hide explosive chemicals from the public?

This is becoming a habit for Texas Attorney Greg Abbott and a very valid question for the voters in Texas. "What idiot would hide explosive chemicals from the public?" is part of a "What idiot would" series of posts including:
What idiot would be against Pre-K education?
What idiot would steal money from a cancer research fund?
What idiot would defend Farmers Insurance?
What idiot would oppose equal pay for women?
What idiot would defend medical malpractice?
What idiot would be against a texting while driving ban?
What idiot would vote for Greg Abbott? 
This time Brett Shipp of WFAA (video below) in Dallas attempts to question Abbott about a recent ruling. His ruling  allows companies to hide the type and amount of explosive chemicals stored in their facilities from public disclosure. This might remind you of the fertilizer explosion in West Texas. From WFAA:
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “states and communities [...] can use the Tier II information to improve chemical safety and protect public health and the environment." In Texas, Tier II  reports are kept on file at the Department of State Health Services and  according to its web site, those reports are public information. All  citizens "may ask for" them by simply filling out a request.
Unfortunately on May 22 Greg Abbott ruled this information can now be held from the public.  
Williams cited an Attorney General's ruling from May 22, 2014, which  denied public access to "Tier Two information [...] because it reveals the location, quantity and identity of hazardous chemicals [...] likely to assist in the construction of an explosive weapon."
The video is well worth watching especially Abbott running away from a reporter on the issue.  Greg Abbott has refused an interview and was last seen.....running away from a reporter on the issue.

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