• President Obama's Clean Power Plan

    President Obama's Clean Power Plan is the first EPA regulation to cut global warming pollution from existing power plants, the largest source of carbon in the U.S. But King Coal is trying to block the regulations before they even take effect. In the coming weeks, we'll help collect tens of thousands of public comments to make the regulations even stronger, and make sure they go through.

  • Anthony and Naomi Klein
  • Bioneers Recap Part I

    I just got back from the 2014 Bioneers Conference in Marin County, California where I had the opportunity to meet and speak with author and activist Naomi Klie about her latest book, This Changes Everything.

  • Who's Paying for No on 92?

    We're helping the Yes on 92 Coalition make Oregon the second state in the country with mandatory GMO labels. Environmental Action members have already signed up for hundreds of phone bank shifts to reach out to voters in Oregon, and we're chipping in to help put ads likes these on television between now and November 4th.

  • Will EPA come clean on Fracking?

    Washington DC - Washington DC - Affected community members from Dimock, Pennsylvania, along with advocacy organizations, rallied outside of EPA Headquarters to demand that EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy either re-open investigations into fracking’s impact on people and the environment, or drink frack water from Pennsylvania that her agency has told residents is safe.

  • Letter to O'Malley: Leaders don't Frack

    More than 200 national and statewide progressive, health, environmental and community organizations called on Gov. Martin O’Malley to protect the public’s health, lead the nation and keep fracking out of Maryland, as the public comment period on the public health study on Marcellus shale drilling closes. In a letter to the governor, the groups, including MoveOn.org, Food & Water Watch, Democracy for America, National Nurses United, Progressive Democrats of America and Environment America, highlight findings in the state’s study conducted by the Maryland School of Public Health that show fracking could have harmful and irreversible effects in Maryland.
