Friday, October 10, 2014

The Houston Chronicle should pull their endorsement of Stan Stanart

Harris County Clerk, Stan Stanart's, handling of the administration of elections is what we would call in the Army "FUBAR", Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition. Todays news of another one of his screw ups, concerning mail in ballots, is another reason for the Chronicle to reconsider their lack luster endorsement. 

This wouldn't be a first time for the Chronicle. From the Houston Chronicle:

Earlier this campaign season, we endorsed Manuel Rodriguez Jr. for another term on the board of the Houston Independent School District. We now retract that endorsement in the race for HISD Position III trustee.

Now the Chronicle should do the same for Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart for his fumbling of the mail in ballots reported by Channel 13:

Stanart tea bagged his way into office back in 2010. He isn't very good at his job. He is incompetent. He has puppy breath at times. The Chronicle's endorsement did not address his personal hygiene, but it wasn't a glowing recommendation of Stanart or his party for their job well done. It was like saying "Yes they suck, but it isn't that bad". In fact here is the first paragraph from the Editorial Board:
If you're an interested voter in Dallas County, then you have the simple pleasure of being able to look at the upcoming November ballot on If you live in Harris County, as of Friday, you get nothing more on than a vague splash page stating that information will be posted "as Soon as it is Available." That's par for the course under Republican County Clerk Stan Stanart.
Yep. Screwing up the voter rolls, early voting results, voter ID requirements, and anything to do with voting by the very person responsible for voting is par for the course for the Teabag Party. The Chronicle should reconsider their endorsement.

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