Someone Owes Me Drink Tickets

February 9, 2009 - 4:31 pm 14 Comments

I just got back from Dallas where I spoke on a panel about nonprofit advocacy, grant-making, and the legislative agenda, sponsored by the Boone Family Foundation. As in The Container Store Boones. As in stacking bins and baskets and pristine organizational skills. Luckily I didn’t bring up the fact that my closet’s from IKEA.

Now, you may be asking yourself, what could Eileen possibly know about advocacy, grant-making, and the legislative agenda. But the joke’s on you because, as usual, I asked to speak last, which means I just take notes while the others are speaking and I change a few of the verbs and nouns and throw a girlish giggle in between. (Sadly, my girlish giggle days are behind me and have given way to the hyena-like hysterics of a grown woman hyped up on too much coffee.)

I was on the same Southwest flight this morning as Rep. Rafael Anchia, Texas Weekly‘s own Ross Ramsey, and Judge Scott McCown of CPPP. I was in the B boarding group but luckily I was able to score the middle seat between Anchia and the Judge by posing as a federal air marshal and forcibly removing the passenger already sitting there. (Ramsey was in the C group so I believe he was stowed underneath the beverage cart.) While they discussed the North Texas rail, I pulled out yesterday’s “Week in Review” in the hopes that they would ask me to read some of the columns aloud. The awkward silence became more awkward when I asked Judge McCown to spot me a fiver for a bloody mary.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to compete with CPPP pie charts during the presentation, but I figured I could hold my own with Anchia and Ramsey. I was mistaken. At least I didn’t have to follow Anchia, what with his built-in fan club of Dallas women. When it was my turn, I spoke about messaging and multimedia platforms and Facebook and Twitter and stopped when I heard someone snoring. That took about three minutes of my allotted 15, and I ended by nodding my head confidently and sitting back down.

On the return flight, I tried to engage Ross and Rafael in a rousing game of Who Wants to be a Slumdog House Committee Chair, but I was the only one brave enough to start spouting off my predictions. At one point, they had to correct me on someone who’s not even a member anymore. Oh, like I’m supposed to commit the member names to memory or something? Dorks.

My committee chair picks are what I like to call “wild cards,” since they are not part of the conventional wisdom and have no basis in fact or reality. Appropriations: John Smithee; State Affairs: Sylvester Turner; Calendars: Charlie Geren; Civil Practices: Tommy Merritt. And then the flight attendant asked me to keep my screechy voice down so she could continue to sing those dreadful little Southwest ditties.

14 Responses to “Someone Owes Me Drink Tickets”

  1. ftwsteve Says:

    What happened to the use of TM’s corporate Gulf Stream? Certainly that would have been in PL’s contract.

  2. eileen Says:

    Are you kidding? I’m still at the airport waiting for my driver to pick me up. Burka! (Said like Newman!)

  3. Ross Ramsey Says:

    I was in steerage. Kate and Leonardo said to tell you hi. Oh, and sorry I snored during your speech. Didn’t know the mic was on.

  4. Potted Meat Says:

    CPPP???? I thought Reagan bought out Russia…

  5. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    And now for our daily dose of reverse sexism: Rafael Anchia is HOT. He could have the intellect of Sarah Palin, and I wouldn’t care.

  6. JR Says:

    Man, that Austin to Dallas Southwest flight is brutal. The jetlag is horrible. I usually try to manage it by getting to Love an hour or so early, and having a couple of beers.

  7. JR Says:

    Or vise versa.

  8. Anon Says:

    Pink: You’re kidding … you don’t like smart men?

  9. Mike/Red Says:

    Whatev, Eileen — you are an awesome moderator. You managed to whip Noriega and in their entirely futile debate at the crappiest classroom at UT. I was there, so you have a witness.

  10. pink aspirant Says:

    CPPP … the “voice for the voiceless” and “the conscience” of Texas politics … I think they said some Texas magazine called them that.

  11. eileen Says:

    His lady fans were calling him McRafael since McDreamy was already taken.

  12. Belatedly Bipartisanly B*tchy Says:

    1.Elfa vs. IKEA ?
    Ooooh, pitting together The Container Store’s Elfa versus IKEA Closet systems could be brutal. It’s like The Crips vs. The Bloods, or The Sharks vs. The Jets!

    2. Anchia is very easy on the eyes. More than one Capitol staffer has burned a hole in the trusty Online Member Flash Card System checking out his picture (like Straus though, he looks better in person than in pictures or on Closed-Circuit TV)

  13. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    I do like smart men. Fortunately, Anchia is that too!

  14. Anonymous Says:

    A reliable source reports that Anchia is already planning his next political move and is mapping out his strategy with the just published memoir entitled: My Life As the Next Hot Texas Latino Political Superstar by Henry Cisneros