Single White Females

October 25, 2011 - 11:27 am 15 Comments


We all know that single women are bitter because they haven’t found a husband and they’re tired of watching The Proposal for the ninth time with their cats and telling friends that they’d rather be alone than in a loveless relationship which is totally not true because at least they’d have a date to weddings, an event that they will never experience for themselves. That said, support for the Democratic party among unmarried women has been waning, mostly because they’ll switch parties in a second to get a man.

In 2008, single women supported Obama by a 70 to 29 percent margin. (Meanwhile the majority of married women voted for McCain. Married women tend to be more conservative because of their values.) This demographic represents 26 percent of the voting population. But in the 2010 midterm elections, more than half of white single women voted…Republican. What could this mean for 2012? It means that single women have decided to inflict their deep emotional pain upon all of us. Apparently poor turnout among single women in the 2000 election may have cost Al Gore the presidency. THANKS FOR THAT.

Listen, I know you’re hurting. Life hasn’t been fair to you. I get it. But if you don’t go out and vote for Obama, not only will you be terminally single, you’ll be terminally single with a really bad president.

15 Responses to “Single White Females”

  1. Dr J Says:

    What about married women who don’t take their husbands’ last names the way god and Anita Perry intended? I don’t trust them.

    eileen Reply:

    Seriously. I hate those women. At the very least they could hyphenate.

    Alan Reply:

    You mean like Shelley Sekula-Gibbs?

  2. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    I think the smart single women in 2010 were hanging out at places with more promising possibilities than angry tea baggers with walkers.

  3. SpicyBoss Says:

    I did as you said and hugged a single woman at the office. I am currently undergoing HR sensitivity training as a result. I guess politics has no place at work.

    Don't Mess w/ Pink Reply:

    Ha! (Yeah, that’s it. Politics.) You’ll learn. Never, ever do what Eileen says.)

  4. lush Says:

    You’ve got a lot of balls picking on us single gals when you voted in the R primary. Is it because you’re MARRIED?

    I kid, I kid. I think I actually voted for Kay in the R primary last year, too. I wonder if that didn’t skew the numbers? At least in Texas? Regardless, unless Obama sacrifices a baby in front of me, I’m still voting for him in 2012.

    eileen Reply:

    You’re not fooling anyone. You’d still vote for Obama despite the baby sacrifice (purely ceremonial).

  5. Commie Pinko Says:

    For some reason I want to quote that old saying “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”

  6. wyocwby Says:

    What if they vote for Hillary?

  7. Sam in Pearland Says:

    I’ve thought about crossing over and voting in the GOP Primary (cross-voting, cross-dressing – if I can do one I can do the other) but I’m worried about urping on the voting machine when confronted by the names of candidates.

    treehugger Reply:

    Urping? Haven’t heard that in a while. Having been an election auditor at a mostly R county, you won’t do much damage if you urp (puke, hurl, vomit) on the voting machine. Very few voters use them. The good news is that the process to tabulate the manual votes takes awhile and comp time is always welcome. Plus, the SOS accountants don’t make you keep receipts for your per diem so you can actually tip your waitstaff. Great gig, Very informative.

  8. Cindy Says:

    Just a warning — if you vote in the GOP primary, you are likely to get GOP phone calls and mail. I know this because a bunch of gops voted in the Dem primary one year, and they got annoying calls from me. It wasn’t until I was an election judge at the next election and saw them voting on the GOP side of the room that I realized that some of my neighbors were smarmy worms.

  9. Linda Says:

    I think a large percentage of married women vote Republican because when they were single they didn’t vote and then when they got married their husbands “encouraged” them to vote Republican. A particularly poignant example: my sister-in-law won’t vote because she knows that if she votes for someone other than the GOP candidate, my brother will be furious with her. Since she has no choice, she doesn’t bother. Which is, you know, so very GOP.

    West Texas Hillbilly Reply:

    Your sister lives in Saudi Arabia? I didn’t know they have a GOP there.