Putting Your Eggs All in One Basket

March 20, 2008 - 11:57 am 41 Comments

When I was a little girl (why, yes, if you search for posts beginning with “when I was a little girl,” you’ll find they take up half of this blog), Easter was a very special time. Partially because Jesus rose from the dead, but mostly because it meant a morning of gorging myself on chocolate.

I never bought into the Easter Bunny. The idea of an oversized rabbit wearing a colorful bow tie and breaking into my house in the middle of the night to hide Easter eggs all over our family room was more than a little creepy. And hard to believe. (This did not apply to Santa Claus, which was completely plausible.)

It’s not that I didn’t have imaginary friends. As the baby of the family, living in the world of make-believe was a necessity. My two older sisters, exploiting that vulnerability, convinced me that there was a witch living under our basement stairs named Celeste who had given them magic powers. At first, I was skeptical, because they said they could see through clothes but then couldn’t tell me what color my underwear was.

Back to Easter morning at the Smith household. When we would go downstairs, our Easter baskets filled with delicious candy were waiting for us. I would immediately dive in, biting the ears off my Russell Stover chocolate bunny and stuffing my face with blue robin’s eggs (malt balls, not actual eggs, that would be sick), staining my lips blue for the rest of the day and lapsing into a sugar coma.

And all the while, my two sisters were hunting for chocolate Easter eggs that were hidden all over the room. On the fireplace mantel. Behind the Encyclopedia Britannicas. Underneath the stack of Herb Alpert records. I would look up and there’d be, like, one egg left for me. Which means they had more candy. Which means I lost.

Which brings me to…the presidential campaign (YOU KNEW THAT WAS COMING). Hillary and Obama are still fighting over Michigan and Florida. On Wednesday, Clinton once again challenged Obama to agree to new primaries in both states. Although Obama has been pretty vague about whether he would support or oppose seating the delegates, his campaign has raised a number of legal issues.

I can understand Obama’s reluctance for a revote because he’s winning. And even if Hillary were to win Michigan and Florida, she still wouldn’t have the delegates she needs. But, it would help her make a case to the superdelegates that, despite the fact that Obama has won more states, she has won key states.

Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan and Debbie Dingell, a member of the DNC, wrote an op-ed in yesterday’s NYT, “New Hampshire Cheated, Too.” In 2004, a committee created by the DNC examined the primary process and concluded that “Iowa and New Hampshire are not fully reflective of the Democratic electorate or the national electorate generally.” Their recommendation? Allow additional states to join Iowa and New Hampshire in holding early primaries and caucuses.

New Hampshire was supposed to be third in line. In 2006, that rule was adopted, provided that the early primary states hold their contests in a specific order. Michigan was not chosen for one of the four early contests, but they would be moved up, and promised to abide by the new calendar if everyone else did also.

Guess what? New Hampshire didn’t. They scheduled their primary before the specified date, which made them the second state in line. The DNC never penalized New Hampshire, despite repeated requests from Michigan. So Michigan stuck to its original date: Jan. 15.

Neither Levin nor Dingell has endorsed either candidate. What would be so terrible about allowing these states to hold new primaries? Wouldn’t that be fair for all involved? Obama and Hillary agreed to follow the rules of the DNC and not campaign in either naughty state. This time around, they’d be actively campaigning for voters.

Here’s my big finish: Hillary Clinton made a tragic flaw in putting her eggs all in one basket (FULL CIRCLE!). While she was happily eating away, assuming she would win, Obama was out actively looking for eggs. Eggs that had previously been hidden or gone unnoticed. He got all the states and delegates; she got some of the more important ones (Reese’s peanut butter eggs).

Now, my parents never let us do the Easter egg hunt over, despite the tears of their youngest child. Apparently I had understood the rules beforehand and failed to follow them. But what if the Easter Bunny wanted me to have the eggs? Was I really “stealing” my sisters’ chocolates while they foolishly left their baskets unguarded to go eat the traditional ham omelet? Or were they rightfully mine?

Just something to think about over the weekend as you enjoy your mimosas. My father is coming into town so I will be away from my computer, as I inherited my love of afternoon drinking from him. Have a good one.

41 Responses to “Putting Your Eggs All in One Basket”

  1. Pinkie Swear Says:

    You need help.

  2. lush Says:

    Happy Easter, PL!


  3. whiskeydent Says:

    I don’t know what you mean when you say the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist. Hell, I see big bunnies fairly often, usually during the 4th hour of happy hour.

  4. Longtime Lurker Says:

    PL, so many of the issues you raise (why should N.H. and Iowa always go first? why did the DNC stupidly declare MI and FL utterly null and void, rather than penalize them by half like the RNC did?) are very valid. But you do understand that those very good points do *not* logically lead to a conclusion that the Hillary-funded re-vote should occur, right?

    Fairness is a big problem here. An Obama-leaning independent who was told the Dem primary was void might well have voted for, say, McCain in the Repub primary. Under Hillary’s plan, that person would be barred. That isn’t right. You can’t put this genie back in the bottle.

  5. Phillip Martin Says:

    What terrific writing. The full circle analogy is terrific, timely, and tasty (what?). Well done.

  6. Suzannadana Says:

    Oversized bunnies wearing colorful bowties do exist–Come to Houston for Bunnies of the Bayou on Sunday. You will see many “Easter Bunnies”….

  7. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 4. Longtime Lurker

    As far as I know, it wouldn’t be Hillary-funded — perhaps ITPT-funded. I don’t think Obama’s as worried about the large number of independents who voted for McCain because they thought their vote didn’t count…as he is about the likelihood that Hillary would win the states. Especially Michigan, which is a close parallel to Pennsylvania demographically.

  8. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    You want Hillary and Obama to hunt chocolate Easter eggs? I’m confused.

  9. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 5. Phillip Martin

    I try. Really, really hard. Probably too hard because I want people to like me.

  10. Outsider Says:

    Re: 7. Pink Lady

    Actually it probably would be Hillary-funded.

    According to today’s Washington Post, John Corzine and Ed Rendell have “announced that they have found 10 individuals willing to ensure that up to $12 million in private money will be available for a new primary….[of the 10 guarantors] eight are Clinton contributors, and five of those eight have helped to raise at least $100,000 for her campaign. No one in the group is an Obama fundraiser.”

    Not that this is a surprise. We all know HRC needs the MI re-vote and Obama doesn’t.

  11. LegeBoy Says:

    Gawd. I’ve seen more organization in a wild monkey shit fight… And, frankly, that’s what this whole thing smells like.

    I continue to stand behind my girl, but, FUCK *, I hope we’re not shooting ourselves in the foot. John McCain is out stealing souls right now, and that terrifies me. I read in the NYT that the Easter Bunny endorsed him yesterday. I hate that damn rabicken.

  12. Throckmorton Says:

    Re: 7. Pink Lady

    Allowing Michigam or Fla to revote would be a horrible mistake for the DNC.

    What happens in 8 years (hopefully) the next time that the DNC sets for primary elections? They will then have to deal with about 48 states completely ignoring the DNC rules–because Michigan and Fla did it in 2008 and nothing happened.

    These states knew the rules when they pulled their stunt of intentionally ignoring the rules. Too bad-so sad.

  13. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 12. Throckmorton

    But the DNC rules suck! They are nonsensical! Why should the DNC tell states when they can hold their primaries?

  14. Throckmorton Says:

    Re: 13. Pink Lady

    Why even have a national party if the states won’t follow the rules that were set out at the start?

    I am sorry that HRC is caught in the middle on this, but take the personalities out of it, and the arguments from Fla. and Michigan are pretty weak since the State knew what would happen if they broke the rule and did it anyway.

  15. Lurkette Says:

    Re: 13. Pink Lady

    Agreed but so? Why is NOW the time to bitch and moan about it and not before? Change the rules next time, not mid-game.

  16. JK Says:

    eileen – you lost me at hello….

  17. JK Says:

    What if you’re just snopping looking at the chocolates? Hummmm…

    Breaking story on MSNBC regarding a security breach around Obama’s passport file in the state dept. Seems like it happened in Jan but the Bush admin just informed Obama today. Two employees fired.

    Want to take bets about who is behind this??

  18. JK Says:

    Update. Three different breaches – one Jan, one Feb, and one last Fri. Conde Nast called Obama’s office yesterday to tell them.

    This is getting really good. I’m getting addicted to these talking heads on tv.

  19. BL Says:

    Re: mimosas and Easter weekend drinking

    Actually, some of us in far southeast Texas (just across the Sabine from Louisiana) think Bloody Marys are nice on Easter weekend (or other times for that matter), especially if Eggs Benedict are part of the feast.

    Let’s enjoy the week-end and our families, even though some of them support Obama.

  20. Tax Dollars at Work Says:

    Re: 4. Longtime Lurker

    As long as you wish for the right things there’s no need to try to stuff the genie back.

  21. potted meat Says:

    Re: 9. Pink Lady

    wear a short skirt and a long jacket. Everyone will like you even more.

    Easter bunny. never believed it
    9in spite of short lived chick, egg hunts, and enough chocolate to puke.

    Santa: I KNOW he’s real.

    /McCain is so senile he can hide his own Easter eggs.

  22. The Other Guy Says:

    Pink Lady, the nomination race is over. It’s time to focus on McCain/Bush.

  23. The Other Guy Says:

    Oops, should have read the whole post first. You’re right, Obama and his campaign organized to win delegates everywhere. While a lot of people were busy trying analyze this race in the context of blue state-red state, big state-small state, traditional campaign models, Obama put together a grassroots effort with a social media component that is the new standard (See the Rolling Stone article with Obama on the cover…) It’s a generational shift. Our time has come (by our, I mean the post baby boomers.) Now on to face the warmongers.

  24. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 22. The Other Guy

    I will never surrender.

    The voters in Michigan and Florida have both been screwed (and you can’t tell me otherwise — they didn’t have anything to do with moving up the primaries). Hillary’s leading in the most recent Gallup poll 49 to 42 percent. That’s not an insignificant number.

    I don’t think this morning’s endorsement of Obama by Bill Richardson will do much to make inroads into the Latino community. As we’ve seen, endorsements don’t really matter, and the remaining states don’t have a plethora of Hispanic voters.

    She continues to hold a 16-point lead in Pennsylvania, 51 to 35% (Philadelphia Daily News). Obama’s lead over Hillary in North Carolina has practically vanished (44 to 43%).

    NC make or break?


  25. JK Says:

    Pink Lady:

    I’m on the Gallup website I only see data through yesteday and it shows her up 48 to 43. Looks like your data is from the 19th. However, what’s interesting is that the gap looks like it’s closing:

    Last three days:
    Clinton – 47 – 49 – 48
    Obama – 44 – 42 – 43

    It will take a few days to see if this trend continues, but it looks like as of yesterday she was going down and he was going up.

    Your chickens have not come home to roost yet!

  26. Dallas Snob Says:

    HRC’s problem is time. There is too much time (a month). There was a time in Iowa when she was killing the competition in the debates and polls. But Iowa did not have its caucus in November. If it had, the race would look very different, and primary elections in the Canadian province of Michigan would not been an issue.

    For better or for worse, this week has been Obama’s week. There will be a month for voters to digest all of this.

    I think Bill Richardson’s endorsement has less to do with influencing the Latino electorate than it does with influencing other superdelegates.

  27. ftwsteve Says:

    Re: 7. Pink Lady

    Yes, yes, ITPT funded, where else would all the money we pay to be part of this blog go? We do pay for this don’t we, you know, the $29.95 that is charged to my credit card every month? Oh, wait, forget it.

  28. PJunkie Says:

    Re: 24. Pink Lady

    Eggs-ellent post. And let me add how pleased as punch I am to see so many talking numbers, numbers, numbers. It’s downright orgasmic…or something.

    One point on the difficulty with a MI re-run, PL: Many independents, not given the choice to vote for Obama, went to the R side during the January primary and voted for McCain. They would therefore be barred from participating in a do-over primary in MI and that would be unfair, or at least very disadvantageous for, Obama.

    What will happen now, I believe, is they will split the baby–allow pledged delegates to be seated, with a two delegates per one vote penalty, but with supers from FL an MI getting full votes.

    With Obama now assured control of the credentials committee, this seems more likely the outcome.

    As you have already been pointed out, this hurts Hillary by robbing her of momentum, reduces her pledged delegate margin in those two states and all but quashes any chance of her winning the popular vote.

  29. JK Says:

    Pink Lady:

    Interesting story that just got posted on the front page of politico.com – “Story Behind the Clinton Myth”. Interesting story and worth reading and pondering.

  30. clarissa Says:

    Reading that second to last graph just made my Friday even Gooder.

  31. Phillip Martin Says:

    Re: 24. Pink Lady

    Agree that the voters got screwed. Hope those state elected officials get reamed in the general — imagine if our State Dems had broken the rules to where Texas Democrats couldn’t vote. They’d be chased out of the state.

    That being said, unless they get “punished” then we’ll never be able to stop having Iowa and NH go first, b/c they’ll break the rules — knowing there will be no repercussions to the otherwise — when we put them back in the pack.

  32. Phillip Martin Says:

    Re: 30. Phillip Martin

    And I realize you showed that “punishment” didn’t matter a few years ago. To be fair, no one really cared and wasn’t paying attention. Now they are…

  33. Longtime Lurker Says:

    Re: 14. Throckmorton

    Does your name have anything to do with Throckmorton, Texas?

  34. The Other Guy Says:

    Re: 26. Dallas Snob

    Exactly right about Richardson. And the only votes that count are the delegates, including and especially the super delegates. The Michigan, Florida thing is old news.

    I’ll say it again, though, I admire the hell out of Pink Lady for sticking with her candidate. I really thought she was going to be the nominee even when I decided to support Obama a year ago. She ran a less effective campaign. And I sure as hell hope they didn’t decide to inject race on purpose. That would really disappoint me in the Clintons for the rest of my life.

  35. JK Says:

    Re: 26. Dallas Snob

    I agree with you that time is not on HRC’s side. But, I would argue that she’s out of it.

    Very interesting post on the front of politico.com yesterday saying there is no way that she can win – and that the press is part of the problem (because they’re having so much fun) in prolonging this myth.

    Someone told me once that the Clintons will do ANYTHING to win including burning down the village. I didn’t understand what they meant at the time, but I’m no longer that naive. Case in point. Look what came out of Bill’s mouth yesterday (don’t EVEN go there guys). Low, really low.

  36. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    Re: 29. JK

    The Politico article was a good read; the numbers are in. Their point is HRC hopes for a BHO catastrophe, or she sways the superdelegates with the unelectable scare tactic (he’s unelectable because he’s male). If I were BHO, I’d check my brake lines every time I got in the car.

    By the way, anybody who thinks all BHO supporters are “Starbucks-sipping, Volvo-driving liberal elite” has never stood near the tailpipe of my diesel pickup when it fires up on a cold morning! I’m gonna solve global warming by blocking the sun with smoke.

  37. Candance Says:

    I just found you via Pegasus News via something else and was drawn to you because of the pink and I like pink and you made me laugh, so I stayed.

    While this whole Michigan, Florida thing is important and stuff, I would like to point out that we’re having our county convention in a park. And ,if we can get enough donations we might get a tent. So much for the glamor of being an alternate delegate…

  38. potted meat Says:

    Re: 35. Candance

    you had a tent. You were lucky.

  39. The Other Guy Says:

    Don’t even go there with this idiotic line about the nomination going to whoever wins the states with the most electoral votes in the primary. What this shows all of us is that there is a desire to make up the rules as they go…I’m referring to Evan Bayh on behalf of Hillary Clinton…which is exactly the problem we’ve had with Bush and Cheney. It is exactly the same kind of thinking and behavior. We’ve had enough of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton era.

  40. Credentials Says:

    Re: 35. JK


    Let’s just go ahead and get it out of the way here and now, once and for all.

    The press is *always* part of the problem.

    All right, already.

  41. potted meat Says:

    Re: 39. The Other Guy


    Nothing wll change with the same set of bullshitters telling the same set of lies.

    Now if the public would only get it, instead of being herded by the non-news of the day.

    See the deal on the Detrot Mayor?

    Watch for more black politicians to be called on the carpet.

    more guilt by association, white flight. But the the dits
    (pundits) won’t tie the old white guy who wants to kll to ay white guy scandals.

    /watch for Bob Dole endorsement of McCain/Viagra tcket/