No, YOU Come On

September 30, 2008 - 6:28 pm 45 Comments

I imagine there are more important things for me to worry about than the fact that most Starbucks baristas in the greater Austin area do not know how to spell Eileen. However, since I can’t seem to pass a comprehensive economic recovery plan, I think I’ll just rant on this.


Since Starbucks started writing names on their cups, it’s become painfully obvious that most people think Eileen is spelled “Ilene.” Now does that look right to you? Perhaps you’re thinking of “Irene.” Here are some other misspellings: Ilean, Eilleen, and Eilene.

How is it that everyone knows all the words to that celebrated one-hit wonder of the 80’s, but they can’t remember that the song was, “Come On, Eileen.” Not “Come On, Ilene.” It was also not “Come On, Elaine.” Or “Ellen.” Or “Ailene.” Yes, I love that you can hum the song right after you ask for my name. Yes, it’s funny when you wink and say, I bet you’ve never heard that before! Get my coffee. You are wasting my time.

One time my latte got ICE COLD because the barista kept yelling, “Aspen? Your drink’s ready… Aspen? I’ve got a latte waiting at the bar for Aspen.” I looked around and, several minutes later, realized that she must be talking to me. I also noticed that everyone had turned around, waiting to see what a girl named “Aspen” looked like.

However, on Saturday morning when I went to get my no-water soy chai, after yoga class, before a shower, yes I looked lovely, a Starbucks employee at a location not to be mentioned provided me with a scribbled version of my name that trumps them all. IIIIN. Like four Roman Numeral I’s (as opposed to the Roman Numeral IV) followed by an N. I am no longer a name. I am a number.

I am… Spartacus.



45 Responses to “No, YOU Come On”

  1. bevotee Says:

    OK, this is kind of embarrassing, but chalk it up to my being a copy editor. The name of the ’80s song is actually “Come On Eileen.” No comma. Think about that for (only) a second, and please remember not to shoot the messenger. Or on the messenger, as it were.

  2. O'Pine Says:

    Your name is Eileen? YOU don’t have a Starbucks name? Mine is “jemima.” and before you deride me for my racist undertones, I want you to know that it’s after jemima kahn, not the pancake making aunt.

    You could be Spartacus. Or Pink. Or Kennedy. Or Chardonnay. In fact, if you were to have the soy chai CHARDONNAY latte, you might not actually care how the dropouts with the fancy job title spell your name.

    My two cents. O’P

  3. Potted Meat Says:

    Re: 1. O’Pine

    she could be ‘Pink Lady” or “Pink I (eye)”

    /oh shit , now I’ve done it.

    ///my starbucks name: drive by

  4. Austinmom Says:

    Your problem is corporate coffee – if you went someplace local, then they would KNOW your name, and how to spell it. My coffee people know what I want and start it when they see me headin’ for the door – now that’s service.

  5. Lefty Says:

    Who am I? I’m Jean Valjean! 24601!

    /Hush Lurkette

  6. LBJ Gal Says:

    how exactly did the barista pronounce that when she called out to let you know that your no water soy chi was ready?

  7. Fled Paulson Asylum Says:

    How about “which way do you lean?” You ever hear that one?

    I almost fired an intern back in 2001 for saying that to you, cuz I didn’t get it and thought he was being dirty… and I wasn’t actually sure which way you leaned, and didn’t want to intrude.

    Re: 3. Austinmom

    Anybody got a link to share with Austinmom? Help her get up to speed?

  8. Jimbo Says:

    Dexy’s Midnight Runners ….. One hit wonder?! How much you missed by not being a teenager in the UK during their hallowed run.

  9. Elvis Says:

    They always spell my name right. But I prefer Dunkin Donuts.

  10. thurston howell III Says:

    Lighten up Arlene!

  11. LegeBoy Says:

    I love the fact that someone just happened to be present to take a picture of you drinking said IIIIN coffee, and you just happened to have a perfectly placed wisp of hair lying across your cheek.

  12. Treehugger Says:

    Recycle your cup, silly. Of course there’s no telling what kind of nifty critters like to use soy chai as a growth medium. Wash, rinse, repeat, refill.

    /token environmentalista comment in honor of my alias

  13. Cynic Says:

    I totally pegged you to have the Starbucks name “Hillary.” I used “Hussein” for a while during all that “I am Hussein” business. That always got a big grin from my favorite neighborhood barista, but I also got looks of horror from several of my fellow Tarrytown customers. Loosen up – have fun with it. I’m sure we could come up with many Starbucks names for you.

  14. Huck Finn Says:

    You should hear what they call me.

    //Not something you should really do to a chicken.

  15. Harold Cook Says:

    Don’t be so damn picky, Eyelean.

  16. Dave Says:

    I’ve never understood the whole fascination with Starbucks — the coffee isn’t all that great, and I can never rememberwhether I need venti or grande or whatever. Why not just small, medium and large? Mom and Pop cafe’s are so much cooler. Starbucks = consumer whore.

    The best coffee is Community, although you’d have to drive to New Orleans to get a cup. If anyone knows where to get a cup of Community coffee in Houston, please let me know …

  17. Treehugger Says:

    Re: 11. Dave
    Community coffee? I can agree with you on that, but Mom and Pop’s cafe are not so good for decent coffee. Conversation? Pie? Oh yeah, youbetcha. Coffee? Not so much. Community coffee is sold in supermarkets in Austin and Dallas, so I reckon they’ve got it in Houston somewheres. Don’t waste your money on anything but the dark roast, btw. And, fyi, its based out of Baton Rouge. The best coffee (pre-ground packaged variety) comes from Puerto Rico and you can’t get it here. And just ask for large…even a barrista (wtf?) can understand that.

  18. Dave Says:

    Re: 12. Treehugger

    Did the word barrista exist before Starbucks?

  19. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 1. bevotee

    My whole life, I thought there was a comma. No wonder so many things have gone wrong.

    Re: 4. austinmom

    Those people at Little City don’t care what your name is because you don’t care about their band.

    Re: 5. Lefty

    Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry men?

    Re: 7. Fled

    Should’ve fired him.

    Re: 11. LegeBoy

    It was Smooch.

  20. GovMoFoSux Says:

    I read it as “illin” as in the fantastic Run DMC Song, “You be Illin'”!

    Is that a compliment?

  21. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Re: 16. Dave

    You did not just call Aye-lean a whore!

    /Her knees are too small.

  22. Potted Meat Says:

    Re: 16. Dave

    I am anti starbucks… Simpsons walk into the mall, and it’s all starbucks………

    so Dav e, we got that goin’,pal.

  23. Lefty Says:

    Re: 19. Pink Lady

    It is the music of a people Who will not be slaves again!

    /Clay, call me!

  24. Laura Says:

    Maybe you should tell them your name is “Bitch and Moan.”

  25. ftwsteve Says:

    Just saying, there seem to be alot of wrinkles around the eyes in the one pic. You can see the beginning of small bags under them too. Oh, just after yoga, no makeup on, I understand now.

  26. Jesus B. Ochoa Says:

    too much substance here. already i’m dizzy

  27. anne Says:

    If you insist on being an 80s reference, you be illin’.

  28. Potted Meat Says:

    Re: 24. Jesus B. Ochoa

    have a cup of coffee.

  29. Lynne Says:

    Q: What do you call a woman with one leg?
    A: Eileen

    Q: What do you call a Chinese woman with one leg?
    A: Irene

  30. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Re: 23. ftwsteve

    There is really nothing we can do to save you.

  31. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    Re: 23. ftwsteve

    Don’t be a dick or you’ll meet a Bobbit.

    My Starbucks name is “Last Call.” I always answer.

  32. Potted Meat Says:

    Re: 26. Don’t Mess w/ Pink

    Gosh I just hope Cr, L, L and Double T jump him too……

    /finally ,everyone off my ass

    / NAAAAAAAAAAAAA………..probably not

  33. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 25. ftwsteve

    You try writing a blog for 3+ fuckin’ ye*ars and we’ll see how YOUR crow’s feet are.

  34. murmur Says:

    Re: 23. Lefty

    Drink with me to days gone by!

  35. Treehugger Says:

    Re: 33. Pink Lady

    Laugh lines, PL. Crow’s feet are on WTX ranchers/rancher’s wives. Laughing v. squinting but same long term result.

  36. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    Re: 35. Treehugger

    Just what are saying about me?

  37. Austinmom Says:

    Re: 7. Fled Paulson Asylum

    Up to speed on what – not getting my coffee from Starbucks?


  38. Austinmom Says:

    Re: 19. Pink Lady

    I am SO not beautiful enough for Little City – but Chuck, at Upper Crust, knows exactly what I want in my mocha.

  39. treehugger Says:

    Re: 36. West Texas Hillbilly

    Seek shade, wear shades, moisturize. Make the wrinkles quality ones.

  40. awink Says:

    What’s up with the watery soy chai’s? Driving me crazy. I kinda feel like a brat ordering now, with four adjectives describing my drink.

    I was totally chastised the other day at a cafe. I ordered a soy chai latte and it smelled soooo delicious but just didn’t have any taste (although I am a little oversensitive since they’ve started watering down the drink at Starbucks). After everyone at my table had tasted it and agreed that something was wrong, I went to the counter and asked for more chai. The woman at the counter told me, “Yeah, you’re probably just used to Starbucks chai, the Tazo or Oregon chai out of the box. That’s all sugar. We use *real* tea here. I could give you another tea bag, if you want. Or there’s some sugar water that you can add over there on that counter, if you want candy.”

  41. Smooch Says:

    Re: 38. Austinmom

    UC coffee sucks. And the cinnamon rolls are too delicious to resist. And I can’t get my GD double jogging stroller in there. You must live near me. Have you tried Pacha.

    And I like starbucks coffee. I don’t want to like it. I. Just. Do.

  42. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 40. awink

    You’ve got to ask for no-water chai. And avoid that snooty cafe.

  43. Tali Says:

    Oh how I feel for you, and can sympathize – the snooty coffeemakers never even try to write my name on the cup anymore – they also don’t believe it when I tell them it’s my real name. They also don’t believe it when I tell them that yes, I’ve been called taliwacker, tali-ho, taliban, etc. etc. and get their feelings hurt when I tell them they need to get creative. Only one of the many reasons that I don’t go there anymore – the other is the nasty chai’s :)

  44. Tom Collins Says:

    I always make up names….it’s kinda fun.

  45. lush Says:

    Re: 44. Tom Collins

    And the ladies love it, too.