April 7, 2014 - 2:54 pm 12 Comments

Graham crackers? OMG more like gay crackers.

I trust that you all are as livid as I am at the new Honey Maid Graham Crackers “This is Wholesome” ad campaign that features a happy gay male couple with a seemingly happy child. My heart broke when I saw the morally bankrupt commercial because now I must eat my late-night treat of roasted marshmallows and melted Hershey chocolate bar on Melba toast.

And they don’t stop with The Gays. There’s also an interracial couple and a dad who’s a drummer. A drummer. Raising a child. Disgusting. Why don’t they just promote dogs and cats raising children? (Although my pug isn’t half bad at taking care of our 3-month-old. Except for the occasional biting of her toes. In his defense they do look like cocktail weenies.) The comments on YouTube are priceless.


Dude. We’re talking about A COOKIE. To gain additional biblical insight, I turned to One Million Moms, an offshoot of the always tolerant American Family Association, to see their response to Crackergate.

Nabisco should be ashamed of themselves for their latest Honey Maid and Teddy Graham cracker commercial where they attempt to normalize sin. Right away it shows two men with a baby, followed by other families, and ends with different families pictured including the one with two dads. This commercial not only promotes homosexuality, but then calls the scene in the advertisement wholesome. One Million Moms stands up for biblical truth, which is very clear in Romans 1:26-27, about this particular type of sexual perversion…this is truly sad. If this is what Honey Maid thinks is wholesome, then my family will no longer purchase Honey Maid or Nabisco products.

Good God. They’ve just lost the business of A MILLION MOTHERS AND THEIR STRAIGHT CHILDREN. Wait until they witness the next ad campaign featuring a white mom of Irish descent and a Salvadoran dad of Houstonian descent who recently adopted a beautiful baby girl who’s white and Hispanic, and left in the care of their half-pug, half-chihuahua for hours on end.

For now I’ll leave you with this offensive image of two loving parents.


12 Responses to “NO MORE S’MORES”

  1. LegeBoy Says:

    I wish I could have read this article, but my computer spontaneously combusted as soon as the evil called good and good called evil sprang forth from the interwebs onto my screen.

    /hell fire and damnation
    //look how small “Tom Craddick” is on the ITPT word cluster these days!

  2. lush Says:

    Honey Maid’s pitch perfect response to the haters:

    Don't Mess w/ Pink Reply:

    As soon as I get to Austin, our pantry will be FULL of Honey Maid Graham Crackers!

    eileen Reply:

    Please. Like there’s room in the liquor cabinet(s).

    Kathryn Word Reply:


  3. Smooch Says:

    O.k. Here comes Queen Cynicism. but…. the brand manager for honey maid has never been so popular. I mean, graham crackers? What could be more boring? So, they see that their competitor General Mills gets this little rush of attention with cheerios (again, not the most exciting brand in the General Mills docket) depiction of a (gasp) biracial couple in their ad. So, basically I’m saying they copied cheerios and took it up a notch. I mean, do tatted, mohawked parents give their kids HFCS and soy laden cardboard cookies?

    The people who are hating are in the slim minority and meanwhile they are getting free exposure in media such as huffington post, GMA and ITPT. And this “Love” art with the hate mail was a little too “on the ready”. They aren’t trying to change the world, they are selling packaged goods. And this, in my opinion, is just a way to make us want to eat more s’mores.

    eileen Reply:

    Cheerios are “not the most exciting brand”? NOW I’M OFFENDED.

    Sybil Reply:

    Clearly someone has never tried the peanut butter Cheerios. DAYUM, that right there is some serious excitement in your mouth!

    And cinnamon grahams? NOT boring.

  4. Smooch Says:

    my mistake, they don’t have HFCS in them. The ad said so.

  5. Big Sis Says:

    As a Girl Scout Co-Leader, we do a lot of s’mores. They’re a staple after all. And Girl Scouts comes under a lot of fire for being cool with the gay scene. Maybe they’re in league together?

  6. Danni Says:

    I appreciate the fact that you are utilizing your right of free speech when describing your “horror” regarding the commercial for Honey Maid and the fact that they show gay men with a baby, an interracial couple and a drummer-father raising his child. So please understand that I, under the same right, will tell you, in the same “horror” along with disgust, that you and other closed minded bigots are seriously what’s wrong with the world today. Do you not live in the 21st century? If so, then why are you clinging to the dark ages? You show exactly how small minded and utterly primitive you are. And if you have any doubt as to whether or not others know just how shut off from reality you are, no worries! I will help you!

    eileen Reply:

    Please note: This is a satirical blog and none of the posts can be trusted. Neither can the blogger.