June 7, 2011 - 11:17 am 16 Comments

I’m sure you’ve all seen some of the highlights from Anthony Weiner’s record-breaking 120-minute mea culpa press conference yesterday. To say it was painful to watch is an understatement. As I sat in front of the TV, I covered my hand with my mouth, muttering, Walk away. Walk away. But he kept talking and crying and drinking sips of bottled water. Where was his staff during this very public nervous breakdown? Someone should have forcibly removed the man from the podium. I mean, shouldn’t the media be focused on something that’s actually important to the country, like whether Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis are really a couple?

ABC News got the scoop yesterday, releasing an interview with Megan Broussard, the 26-year-old single mother and nursing student from Texas (hurrah!) who was sexually involved with Weiner through a mysterious global system of interconnected computer networks. Ms. Broussard provided ABC with dozens of racy photos, emails, Facebook messages and texts that she shared with Weiner over the past month.

I think I speak for all women when I say, well done. What a way to make a name for yourself. And chewing gum during a televised interview? Always classy.

ABC also created a heartwarming slide show chronicling the events (warning: your eyes may bleed), starting with Broussard taking a suggestive photo of herself and ending with The Bulge Felt Round the World. Yes, this is what it’s come to. Why do you ask? Personally I can’t wait until the other women come out to tell their side of the story. It’s like Tiger Woods and Jesse James all over again but so much better!

According to Broussard, she has routinely participated in risque online chats with different men (Beaumont Mom of the Year!). She confirmed that she’s never met Weiner but had asked him to take a photo of himself and write “me” on it, which he sent from…anthonyweiner@aol.com. Seriously? You could at least have the decency to make up a damn email address. Broussard said she decided to come forward now out of concerns for her “image as an aspiring nurse.” In what, a porno flick?

“I don’t think he’s a bad guy. I think he’s got issues just like everybody else,” Broussard said, continuing to smack her gum. “Everyone’s standards are different, but to be elected to Congress and sit there all day on Facebook and chatting?” Please. It’s not like that’s all he does. He’s also on Twitter.

You realize, of course, that it’s always the men who do shit like this (please see “sex scandals” tag below). This just confirms my belief that we should enslave all the men, render them eunuchs, and live as Amazon warrior women.


  1. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    She should have asked him to make a sign with arrow that says, “I’m with stupid.”

  2. Sybil Says:

    “This just confirms my belief that we should enslave all the men, render them eunuchs, and live as Amazon warrior women.”

    Eileen wins.

    eileen Reply:

    Just don’t tell my husband.

  3. eileen Says:

    I bring you a FB message between Lisa Weiss, some Vegas blackjack dealer, and Weiner. The bleeps have been inserted in case someone under 12 is reading this blog.

    Weiner: hey sexy

    Weiss: What’s up baby

    Weiner: hold on. let me look. Whoa, looks like I am wanna ride it?

    Weiss: hard for me?

    Weiner: you like me big and fat

    Weiss: only ur [BLEEP]

    Weiner: your [BLEEP] still tight and [BLEEP] for me baby?

    Weiss: yea..getting drunk and about to bang my [BLEEP] friend…till u get here…he will take some dirty pics of me 4 u.

    Weiner: think of my rock hard [BLEEP]. practice saying, ‘god, anthony, I’m [BLEEPing] again.’

    What a douche.


  4. lush Says:

    I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. WTF compels someone to send these sorts of messages and pictures to virtual strangers? Just how broken an individual do you have to be? I’m going to the record store. I was going anyway, but I feel like I need to invest in something pure after reading about this horse*shit.

    West Texas Hillbilly Reply:

    Honestly, I thought he was totally gay and I was cool with that. Often when Imus interviewed him, he would ask if he was married yet and Weiner always winced. What a schmuck.

    Don't Mess w/Pink Reply:

    I’m with you. I don’t get it. But what I really don’t get from all these politicos and pastors is … in what universe do they think this will not come out? From Ted Haggard’s boy toy to Larry Craig’s wide stance to Weiner’s weiner. Put yourself out as a leader of men, and this type of thing will bring you down. I’d call them all dumbasses, but it’s just so … so … pathetic. Have the shrinks identified a pathology here?

    At least the scandalous D-types generally haven’t preached to everyone else about how to run their lives, but yeah, pathetic.

  5. texxasredd Says:

    Two Words: Johnson. Boehner.

  6. wyocwby Says:

    I always thought he was gay too. That’s one way to quell the gay rumors; get yourself into a hetero sex scandal *sigh*

    During the press conference I kept waiting for Mrs Weiner (who is…wait for it…standing by her man) to show up with a 9 iron.

    lush Reply:

    Oh shi*t! I haven’t been paying attention to this story beyond what I read here and was somehow under the impression he wasn’t married. Turns out he is:


    I really hope she divorces his dumb ass. Because this dude is toast. Who cheats on the woman Hillary Clinton refers to as a second daughter?

    treehugger Reply:

    Is texting cheating? Rhetorical question.

    Credentials Reply:

    Yes. Actual answer.

  7. treehugger Says:

    Moron comes in both blue and red.

  8. Don't Mess w/Pink Says:

    Oh, I SEE. It’s brain dysfunction:

    My favorite phrase from the article: “If, however, he has brain dysfunction (as is often the case), perhaps from a brain injury in the past (a barbell dropped on his head, for example) …”

    If he didn’t before, he may now! I can see his wife. “Barbell? Anyone have a barbell?”

    treehugger Reply:

    Such brain dysfunction, sadly, can frequently be attributed to the Y chromosome. I don’t get it. I’ve got a wife and a daughter; why on earth would I want another woman in my life at this point? In addition to the normal issues there’s the exponential complications of the deceipt. Why complicate your life when its tough enough as it is? Sheesh.

  9. EFD Says:

    The local media here in Beaumont went all nuts (no pun intended) when they learned Broussard is a local resident and student at Lamar University. Broussard reportedly was paid between $10,000 and $15,000 for her interview with ABC. Not bad for having to look at pictures of Anthony’s Weiner.