Going Cold Turkey Baster

March 20, 2006 - 11:50 am 79 Comments


Everyone knows that a woman isn’t really a woman unless she’s married and has children. Otherwise she’s just another guy with a really great set of man boobs. But some women have trouble finding Mr. Right, and they’re tired of scanning Match.com and going to Molotov. So these loser women are taking matters into their own childless hands.

Now chicks are using fertility doctors and sperm banks to get knocked up. Between 1999 and 2003, the percentage of babies born to unmarried women between ages 30 and 44 in America increased by almost 17 percent. These women are also now called ‘choice mothers’ which is so much nicer sounding than sluts.

Let’s face it, you DO want to know as much about the guy as possible. “He did his undergrad at Yale, has an MBA from Harvard and his dad was President? I want to have his baby!” Some sperm banks try to answer character questions. There’s audiotaped interviews, lengthy written questionnaires , psychological studies and even staff impressions like “He was so nice and articulate when he asked for a copy of ‘Jugs’ to jerk off to.”

It’s interesting what women look for. One Jewish woman first went only looking for a Jewish donor. “Everybody either had glasses, they’re balding or their grandmother was diabetic and had heart disease — typical Jewish population,” said ‘Q.’ She settled on a 6’2″ German guy. “He really was the typical Aryan perfect human being,” she said, laughing. Oh sure, NOW it’s funny.

Daniela, an Aryan chick from Germany, settled on a Chinese-Peruvian-Italian mix. “Thick hair, which is also nice,” she said, “because if I happen to get a son, I don’t like bald guys.” Who does? She really liked the fact that he was a full time theater student. “He has creative aspirations,” she said. Also employment aspirations. Get ready to support him for a. long. time.

One chick named Karyn even printed out her donor’s photo and kept it on her coffee table. “I kind of glance at it as I pass,” she said of the picture. “It’s almost like when you date someone, and you keep looking at them, and you’re, like, Are they cute? But every time I pass, I’m, like, Oh, he’s really cute. It’s a comforting feeling.” No, that’s not weird.

But what about the actual intercourse itself? Don’t women miss that part of it? Well, artificial insemination doesn’t involve foreplay and lasts only 3 minutes. So it’s just like having sex with a real man.

79 Responses to “Going Cold Turkey Baster”

  1. Fair And Balanced Says:

    JCBT – If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

  2. Wallflower Says:

    Does anyone know what artifical insemination costs? I don’t want my co-workers to see me googling it?

  3. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    Loving me usually results in a shot of penicillin.

  4. Wallflower Says:

    Thanks for letting us know how men really feel about women who are single and have no children (and over the age of 25). I always suspected it. I’m going to be shooting myself later today. Thanks again.

  5. Pink Lady Says:

    ITPT cannot be held responsible for any suicidal thoughts or idealations.

  6. NOITALL Says:

    I’d never consider seriously dating a woman who didn’t have at least one divorce under her belt and preferably a potty-trained kid as well.

  7. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    PL told me that she and all her friends are in their late 20s.

  8. Pink Lady Says:


  9. UT_guy Says:

    Evidently the average cost is about $500. But why pay that when you get a a few free dinners and some flowers from an educated guy who can last longer than 3 min?

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Wallflower, you don’t want your coworkers to see you googling “artificial insemination,” but you’re OK with them seeing you read this site. Go figure.

    JCBT, you have outdone yourself.

  11. Bitter Betsy Says:

    If only men took out women for a few dinners and bought flowers for women older than 25.

  12. smooch Says:

    the actual insemination is only a couple of hundred bucks, but that chick Karyn in the article spent over $3k to secure the last of her (im)personal McDreamy’s sperm.

  13. gayinmidland Says:

    Maybe if straight male breeders didn’t get fat, stupid and expect a hot meal and hole every night from the b*tch, women wouldn’t feel the need to do without them.

  14. UT_guy Says:

    Bitter Betsy, you are dating the wrong guys. Stop dsting Republicans.

  15. notPC? Says:

    Maybe if women didn’t get fat, over-analyze every word or phrase, and make up crises to get attention then perhaps they could find a decent mate.

  16. NOITALL Says:

    Dear Bitter Betsy:

    Meet me at the PD/ITPT party. If you are hot, I will buy you dinner and flowers.

  17. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Let me get this straight. These women are chosing to have a child without a partner, so they become the sole party saddled not only with parental but also financial responsibilities. Kill themselves working day and night without help. And for what? Something that becomes A TEENAGER. Makes complete and total sense. Why didn’t I think of that?

    /Damn, I forgot to have children.

  18. Bitter Betsy Says:

    NOITALL, thank you for the offer. Yes, I’m hot (smokin’ actually). Did you gradute from Yale, have an MBA from Harvard, and was your Dad president? Because, appartently, according to JCBT, that guy’s sperm is still available. Please send over a full bio and psych profile, then we can talk about having dinner.

  19. Pink Lady Says:

    It’s not too late, DMWP. Get thee to a sperm bank.

  20. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:


  21. NOITALL Says:

    Dear DMwP:

    Meet me at the PD/ITPT party. If you are hot (I think I know who you are), I will buy you dinner and flowers. And a child.

  22. Pink Lady Says:

    Dear NOITALL,

    Meet me at the PD/ITPT party. If you are hot, I will buy you dinner and flowers in exchange for your sperm.

  23. NOITALL Says:

    Dear Bitter Betsy:

    Glad to hear that you are hot.

    I couldn’t afford to go to Yale or Harvard, so I ended up at a giant state land-grant university in Travis County. My bio isn’t bad, but my “psych profile” is a tad misleading.

  24. UT_guy Says:

    Dear Pink Lady,

    I’ll meet you at the PD/ITPT party and you can have my sperm (PhD from UT as well as former UT athlete) for free. I’ll even throw in a dinner and flowers. This seems somewhat akin to free-market dating and I think PL is in the driver’s seat.

  25. Wallflower Says:

    Dogs are better than children anyway and much easier to get. Not to mention no braces, college tuition, or teenage years.

  26. UT_guy Says:

    If only a dog could give you the big O, you would be set.

  27. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    NOITALL, if you know who I am, I’ll have to kill you.
    PL, I don’t want children, thanks. I’d have to quit drinking.
    Boys, forget the flowers. We just want you to be our sex slaves. It’s really very simple.

  28. the wizard Says:

    I’ll be selling dinner/flower packages at the PD/ITPT party. All proceeds will go to a child support fund we’ll create as a result of the PD/ITPT party – as it seems like everyone will be having test tube cocktails for most of the night.

  29. The Other Guy Says:

    Sex slavery? I’ll be committing that crime very soon now.

  30. PinkDome Says:

    Wow, the PD/ITPT party looks like it’s gonna be hook up central! Suh-weet. And as for sex slavery? Sign me up!

  31. Tickled Pink Says:

    I’ll take a turkey baster and a vibrator over most of the guys I’ve dated in the past year.

  32. Anonymous Says:

    Who says a dog can’t give you the Big O?

  33. UT_guy Says:

    Perhaps there should be a sex slavery raffle and sperm raffle? Any lawyers out there who can look into this? Can Dickie G. advise?

  34. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    #34: Don’t bother, honey. You’re not getting any sex because of comment #15. Of course, you can always change your name.

  35. The Other Guy Says:

    Ok everyone. HBO is interested in a series. Any ideas for names?

  36. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    For what? The sperm bank? “No Sex in the City?”

  37. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    I meant names for what. Not “for what do you love women, the sperm bank?”

    And I’m relieved you love women. It’s kind of a requirement for the sex slave gig.

  38. BlackIsTheNewPink Says:

    #13, GiM, the bitterness in your post only comes off slightly, only slightly. Drippingly so however.

    Is there a rule that prevents gay men from wanting the same?

    After writing that, I think I just came up with a new Democratic platform: Healthcare, a b*tch, a hole, and a hot meal.

  39. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    We’ve got the b*tch. HRC.

    /oh, snap.

  40. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    HRC will be in Austin tomorrow for a fundraiser.

  41. BlackIsTheNewPink Says:

    JCBT, speaking of, Bill will be in town scoring with some artsy UT undergrads. All Austin females, feel free to donate to his fund.

  42. The Other Guy Says:

    The British are coming, the British are coming…

  43. notPC? Says:

    I love women too! Did I say enlargement? I meant reduction kit! I was getting complaints that I was hurting people.

  44. The Other Guy Says:

    I think they’re wire tapping this blog. It’s moving really slow. That’s probably why JCBT sounded like Paul Revere warning us of HRC coming.

  45. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Yep. That’s what happened to me this morning. Isn’t it interesting that no one is commenting on the other threads. “ITPT. It’s all about the sex.”

  46. Pink Lady Says:

    ITPT. If you were having sex, you wouldn’t be reading.

  47. Yellow Rose Says:

    What is this about Molotov? Where is the party?

  48. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    ITPT: Soft porn for undersexed politicos.

  49. UT_guy Says:

    Some people can multi-task and read and have sex at the same time.

  50. NOITALL Says:

    Man, I’m gonna be a gold/bronze/platinum sponsor — whatever it takes. This party will rock!

    Dinner, drinks, flowers and sex with Bitter Betsy and DMwP. Dinner, drinks, and flowers with the PL while she milks me. And, considering the general slutiness found on this site, probably several other opportunities for random, meaningless, cheap animal romping.


  51. Pink Lady Says:

    Please visit our companion site at crotchlesspanties.com.

  52. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    Childless women? Two words:

    Quilted vests.


  53. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    This is not slutiness. This is being open to life’s endless opportunities for fun. There’s a difference. (I’m not sure, but think it [the difference] has something to do with heavy black eyeliner.)

  54. UT_guy Says:

    Childless women who teach elementary school? Two words:

    Quilted vests.


  55. UT_guy Says:

    This party is sounding like a staffer get together at the Capitol–except the booze wont be free.

  56. A Fine Whine Says:

    Is anyone in the market for a sperm whale. Slightly used.

  57. Pink Lady Says:

    Neither will the sperm.

  58. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    JCBT, The only quilted vest I ever wore was dove hunting. And it didn’t have cat, but it did have the little sleeves for shells.

  59. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    Well if it had cats, you probably would have gotten shot in the face.

  60. NOITALL Says:

    A “slut” (female or male) is not a pejorative term. It simply describes a person who is fully satisfied, endowed with vigor and ecstasy, enveloped with warmth, fulfilled to capacity, flowing with a zeal for life, or simply achieving a spiritual state that brings one closer to our maker.

    These people also like to f*ck.

  61. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    NOITALL, I kind of like the definition in Urban Dictionary online:

    slut: a woman with the morals of a man.

  62. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    NOITALL, I like the definition in the Urban Dictionary online:

    Slut: a woman with the morals of a man.

    /So unfair!

  63. BlackIsTheNewPink Says:

    Is that the Webster’s definition of the word?

  64. ReddyIceIsNice Says:

    You’re either the cat lady or the sperm lady.

  65. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Urban Dictionary’s definition: Slut — a woman with the morals of a man.

    /SO unfair

  66. Yellow Rose Says:

    Where is the fucking party?

  67. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    Cat lady or sperm lady. Either way, a pussy is getting stroked.


  68. Pink Lady Says:

    The snap heard round the world.

  69. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Yellow Rose, they haven’t decided yet. But PD and PL will let us know. In their own. sweet. time.

  70. lurkette Says:


  71. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Turtle, *@&*^%$*! I am too old to laugh that hard. So just chill, OK?

  72. Pink Lady Says:

    Fucking party. Nicely named.

  73. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    A lurkette sighting! She’s baaaaccck.

  74. anon Says:

    JCBT, re #54. You’re a bit off. The vest lady sounds like a mama to me.

  75. Pink Lady Says:

    Mom jeans never got anyone any sperm.

  76. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    Palmettos on the other hand.

  77. UT_guy Says:

    It is what is UNDER the mom jeans that count. Some guys can see through those things.

  78. Dont Mess w/ Pink Says:

    See there? He just made every girl on this blog fall in love with him. Take a lesson, guys.

  79. Pink Lady Says:

    I still don’t understand why withdrawals aren’t popular at sperm banks.