Give Me Something to Believe In

November 7, 2013 - 4:06 pm 9 Comments

I’ve written a lot about The Rapture over the years and have warned you nonbelievers accordingly but this time I’m convinced: The Rapture, It Cometh. Possibly as soon as next week.

What are the signs of The Rapture, you ask? You know the End Times are near when a black man is elected president, the economy tanks, your neighbors start disappearing, Crossfire is resurrected and George W. Bush converts the Jews by looking especially creepy.


Next week Bush will be the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, an organization which hopes to bring on the Second Coming of Christ by completely undermining the Jewish faith. I’m not sure how you can be a Messianic Jew any more than you can be a Jew for Jesus but last I checked Catholics don’t believe in The Rapture and with Pope Francis leading us, we’ll probably all be Episcopalians soon.

The goal of the Institute is to convert Jews to a hybrid type of Jewish-Christianity, or “Jewanity,” thereby restoring Israel to its original purpose—as a landing strip for God. As you can imagine Messianic Jews are not very popular among old-school non-Christian Jews, probably because they’re jealous. This is like when Charlotte converted to Judaism for Harry and became Charlotte York Goldenblatt. I believe that’s when Sex and the City began its long downward spiral, culminating in a Mikhail Baryshnikov guest role and two hideous movies.

Last year Glenn Beck headlined the event. The guy’s A MORMON. If there’s anyone they should be converting it’s A MORMON. Mormons are WEIRD. Not that I’m necessarily opposed to becoming a Joseph Smith Roman Catholic if it gets me into the Mormon Tabernacle off I-495. It’s hauntingly beautiful.

9 Responses to “Give Me Something to Believe In”

  1. LegeBoy Says:

    “And just like that…”

  2. eileen Says:

    Don’t leave me hanging. It’s uncomfortable.

    LegeBoy Reply:

    … that’s what HE said??

    LegeBoy Reply:

    Wait, you DO get the SITC reference, yes? I mean what kind of half-assed fan would you be otherwise.

    potted meat returns! Reply:

    Most boys leave here hanging in the tree…..

  3. wyocwby Says:

    I hate these end of the world fads. Last Christmas I ran up my AMX because the world was supposed to end Dec 2012….Jan was a bitch

    potted meat returns! Reply:

    Be careful….those 20,000 year calendars have been known to be off a decade or 2.

  4. potted meat Says:

    I have had to call te Rapture Crisis Center a time or 2…… I think it Christish, these SemiJew,sorta Christian types.

    Kinky F.,former candidate for some meaningless job, unless you have Potus Dreams, or are from another state, and are too ill advised to know,-anyways, Kinky knows about these TransVestibulites if anyone does.

  5. Huaco Treehugger Says:

    A Joseph Smith Roman Catholic? You have sinned, now say 6 our Brighams and 4 hail seagulls. And change that underwear would ya?