Downtown Andy Brown

February 27, 2014 - 10:54 am 4 Comments

I can’t wait to bring my baby with me to vote next Tuesday and pass her off as 18 years old to the octogenarian poll workers at Maple Elementary, who will almost certainly believe me despite the fact that most 18-year-olds don’t wear onesies with dancing elephants on them.

I don’t know if you’ve already voted or if you like to vote on the official day but hopefully you voted/will vote for Mr. “Señor” Andy Brown. No, this isn’t paid media although he has assured me that when he becomes Travis County Judge he’ll make me the court bailiff. I have already started practicing throwing people out of the courtroom, meaning throwing my pug out of the house and then feeling bad and giving him yet another baby toy.

Most of you probably know Andy Brown (he has earned a coveted spot in my tag cloud in between “Mormonism” and “single ladies”) and his many public service roles—Travis County Democratic chairman, wayward camper and photo opp-er, perennial fundraiser attendee, sometime briber—and therefore know why he should be our next county judge. While I’m not really sure what a county judge I assume it has something to do with “counties” and “judging.”

The very tight race is now very tense, with challenger Sarah Eckhardt portraying Brown as the devil, or at least one of those communist red aliens we’ve all been hearing about, in her latest campaign mailer. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy personal attacks as much as the other guy, if not more, but they could’ve at least used a better picture.


Andy’s not the devil. He’s just a boy, standing in front of a voter, asking her to love him. (Apologies to Notting Hill. Scratch that. I refuse to apologize for that wretched romantic comedy.)

So go ahead. Love Andy. Vote for him.

(Early voting through Friday. Election Day is Tuesday. Thus concludes your public service announcement.)

4 Responses to “Downtown Andy Brown”

  1. LegeBoy Says:

    LOVE his music.

    eileen Reply:

    I thought that was Andy Williams.

    LegeBoy Reply:

    I don’t know, but nothing melts my heart more than hearing Andy Brown sing Moon River.

  2. Credentials Says:

    His awesome wife is reason enough to vote for him.