Cookies of Christmas Past

December 23, 2009 - 11:53 am 11 Comments

When I was a little girl (yes, half of my blog posts begin this way), my family would sometimes spend a few days around Christmas in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. This was when you could take your three kids on vacation without tapping into their college funds. If you’ve never been, it’s like traveling through time, to a simpler time set to the haunting music of fifes and drums while men in three-cornered hats and tights marched the streets holding their muskets (that’s what she…oh, never mind). Where flickering candles lit windows and fruit-laden wreaths hung on doors. Where round women in caps served spoon bread, also known as hard lumps of lard. Where my parents locked us in the stocks most of the day to go grab a pint of wassail over at Raleigh Tavern.

In Williamsburg, you could visit the silversmith, the blacksmith, the shoemaker, the wigmaker, and the traditional town whore. (OK, I’m kidding about the silversmith.) But the most wonderful shop there was the gingerbread shop, where you could watch them make gingerbread. They would always ask for a volunteer to come up and stand there while they held an enormous bowl of batter upside down over his head to show how thick it was. I believe there was only one fatality. Suffocation by gingerbread. Not pretty.

Moved by the spirit of Christmas, I ordered gingerbread cookies for everyone in my family, hoping that a wave of nostalgia would wash over them, prompting them to send me additional presents. I told a colleague about the cookies and he nodded and said, so you’re doin’ it colonial style this year. Which sounds dirty when you think about it. How does one do it “colonial style”? Outfitted in petticoats, breaches, and spatterdashes? It’s enough to ruin my childhood memories. But not quite.

Happy holidays to you and yours and theirs.

11 Responses to “Cookies of Christmas Past”

  1. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    Colonial style sounds more constitutional than Hillbilly style if not as much fun. Happy backatchya to y’all too. Also.

  2. treehugger Says:

    My wife went to Colonial Williamsburg and really enjoyed it. I would have gone with her but opted instead for a 3-week wilderness kayak expedition to the Sea of Cortez. She had a better shopping, I had better fishing.

    Enjoy the season, everyone. Here’s hoping for full glasses frequently refilled and plenty of snark in your stocking.

  3. middle sis Says:

    So you ruined the surprise before I opened the package. You never did like me to wait till Christmas.

  4. lush Says:

    Meh-ry Christmas and Happy Meh Year to all.

  5. potted meat Says:

    Yes Santa Claus, there is a Virginia.

    I want to thank you all for all the enjoyment you have brought this year with your clever, thought provoking commentary and general goofiness.

    And a big ole kiss on the cheek to you PL, for making it all possible.

    Here is wishing everyone Blessings and happiness, good health, and friendship. Merry Christmas.


  6. Cindy A Says:

    I always thought those first Colonial dudes were gay. I love gay men, but they make me feel threatened. They remind me that I should probably TRY to be more feminine. Seriously. Look at them. Tights and wigs and ruffles and lace and high heeled shoes. My God, I’m frumpy.

  7. ears1foru Says:

    The Homecoming queen at William and Mary is a transgendered male. My how things change so quickly in two hundred years.

  8. newsflash Says:

    Just announced that Eileen will be taking Burka’s spot as TM’s interrogator at KERA’s govenor’s debate. Burka has been deemed too opinionated for the KBH camp. They wanted a middle of the road, unbiased fence sitter like E.

  9. Eileen Says:

    Already prepping for it.

  10. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Happy Day After Christmas! Time to relax.

  11. Bodhisattva Says:

    How about “hiking the Appalachian Trail” “colonial style?”

    Happy holidays to all.