BlogReaders Anonymous

June 26, 2006 - 3:35 pm 15 Comments

It’s one thing to learn that you have no friends. But then, to get slammed with the undeniable fact that you are addicted to the Internet (which is probably why you have no friends) is almost too much to bear. Lucky for me, I have all of you, my cyberbuddies.

According to a new study, Americans are more socially isolated today than in two decades, mostly due to work, commuting and the single life. At least married couples have spouses that they can lean on – what on earth do the single folk do? Aside from donating sperm and writing diatribes about breeder conspiracies. Is it because it makes you feel connected to society? Sad. Almost 25 percent of those surveyed said that they had “zero” close friends. People who claimed to have at least two confidants often named family members. That so doesn’t count.

According to Harvard Professor Robert Putnam, “Worrying about social isolation is not a matter of nostalgia for a warm and cuddly past. Real things are strongly connected with that.” Putnam is the author of the book “Bowling Alone.” Maybe you’ll meet someone in Book People’s checkout line who’s also purchasing the book. Maybe they can be your new best friend. Maybe you better just stay home and continue blogging.

Speaking of your virtual life, all that time you spend online isn’t exactly expanding your social network. Unless you consider commenting on blogs a “social network.” Apparently Internet addiction disorder is just the latest psychiatric condition you’re suffering from. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you should also seek treatment for social anxiety disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, agoraphobia and any number of personality disorders.

Symptoms of Internet addiction include “a general disregard of your health, personal needs, nourishment and hygiene.” I once went 10 days straight without eating anything but a saltine cracker. And I don’t have to remind you that I don’t even brush my hair when meeting a U.S. Senator. Another way you know you’re an addict is when you start experiencing so-called “cyber shakes,” which include “psychomotor agitation and typing motions of the fingers” while away from the keyboard. In other words, you could be on a date and pretending the restaurant bar is a laptop. I kid. When would you go on a date?

One of the most serious life-threatening symptoms of this addiction is described as “chasing down a suspect, possibly armed, who may have stolen your laptop.”

15 Responses to “BlogReaders Anonymous”

  1. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Yeah, well, you know my motto. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.

    /Where’s my martini?

  2. ReddyIceisNice Says:

    I count 27 people in my cell phone who are not part of my family! And, at least 13 of those people I text to stay in touch on a regular basis.

  3. Scooby Dooby Doo Says:

    F this report.

    I’m going bowling. Alone.

  4. Huck Finn Says:

    Surely this cannot be a surprise to this deeply disturbed group of misfits.

  5. Pink Lady Says:

    TJ Shroat is my sponsor.

  6. Nate Says:

    I’m dealing with one mental disorder at a time. I haven’t gotten over my fear of clowns, so this and the alcoholism is going to have to wait.

  7. A Fine Whine Says:

    Maybe we would have more friends if there were less assholes in the world. Then again, maybe not.

  8. The Other Guy Says:

    Oh well! This is therapy for me.

  9. lurkette Says:

    Re: 7. A Fine Whine

    Yep. Can you say “slim pickins”?

  10. treehugger Says:

    Reading and commenting on blogs is great fun but its not beer.

  11. The Other Guy Says:

    Lawrence Collins is supporting Bell. Good one, JCBT. Hey, I’ve been at the beach.

  12. Xpatriated Texan Says:

    Last weekend I sat at a family party thinking, “I gave up valuable blogging time to see these miscreants.”

    Which is more indicative of my addiction – that I had that thought or that I used the word “miscreants”?

    I’m still hankering for a pink taco deluxe platter special.


  13. pffft Says:

    I think it’s time for a pink taco party…to celebrate the dog days of summer that are just around the corner….

  14. Ms 12 Step Says:

    First Step; admit you are powerless over your dual illness of blogl dependency and emotional or psychiatric illness – that our lives had become unmanageable.

    /yes to pink taco’s

  15. matth Says:

    Is that supposed to be deep throat?