Are Those Your Two Americas Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

January 25, 2010 - 2:42 pm 14 Comments

I’m still in a state of shock over the discovery of John Edwards’s raunchy sex tape with the mother of his just-approved child. When I heard about this earlier today, I immediately tore off the cover of the current “Perry for President?!?” issue and started fanning my face with it, asking my coworkers where the nearest Victorian-era fainting couch was. As usual, I was ignored and fell to the ground, hitting my head on our recently purchased Ping-Pong table.

[Warning: There are cheap penis puns in the following paragraphs.]

Who does John Edwards think he is, Paris Hilton? Tommy Lee? Insert latest sex scandal here? That’s what she said? I mean, does anyone really want to see this guy’s overpumped mill worker up close and personal? Apparently, yes. Because people who have seen the sex tape are more than a little impressed by the former presidential candidate’s runningmate. A writer associated with (not with with) Texas Monthly, who shall remain nameless because he OR she would sue me if given the chance, saw the tape last fall. And he OR she said that Edwards had such a big package, it would’ve taken up the entire West Wing. OMG!

Former Edwards aide Andrew Young says he found the sex tape while flipping through Rielle Hunter’s DVDs, sandwiched in between Fatal Attraction and A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story. In retrospect, she probably shouldn’t have labeled it “My Sex Tape With John Edwards.” According to Gawker, sources who have seen the tape say that it first stars only John and his oversized executive pen. Gross. Just imagining Edwards standing there naked, save for his crisp blue oxford shirt, is vomit-inducing.

And how stupid is Andrew Young anyway? Are we really supposed to feel sorry for him now as he goes on his tell-all book tour? He PRETENDED TO BE THE FATHER because Edwards asked him to. You know, there are just some things you shouldn’t do for your boss. Another source told Gawker that finding the sex tape was “kind of the last straw for people who had sacrificed savings and jobs to lie for John.” Wow. That was the last straw. Well, that and the murders.

[via NY Mag]

14 Responses to “Are Those Your Two Americas Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?”

  1. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Of course there’s a sex tape. Jeez. He really is a loser. What really bothers me, though, is that every time I hear something about the many adventures of John Edwards and someone refers to Andrew Young, I always think of *this* Andrew Young and it causes major cognitive dissonance.

    I mean … more so than just your everyday garden variety cognitive dissonance stemming from the mention of sex tapes starring a former presidential candidate.

  2. lush Says:

    Interesting. When someone refers to Andrew Young, I always think of Andrew Speaker.

    Perhaps that will help with your dissonance problem?

  3. Eileen Says:

    Oh good god. You did not just bring up Andrew Speaker. I had finally gotten over him.

  4. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    I’m afraid that makes it much worse. I had actually forgotten about him. Thanks ever so much for resurrecting that one, lush!

  5. Cindy Says:

    Sex has sure taken down a lot of politicians. It’s their Kryptonite.

  6. lush Says:

    Can anyone really ever get over Andrew Speaker? I think not.

  7. lush Says:

    What can I say? It’s something of a direct replacement, douchebag for douchebag scenario.

  8. Eileen Says:

    Why are you trying to drag us all down with you?

  9. sic 'em Says:

    Cindy says:

    “Sex has sure taken down a lot of politicians. It�s their Kryptonite.”

    –Unless you’re a foreign politician…then it gives you super powers…

  10. lush Says:

    Sex has taken down plenty of average folks, too. It’s Kryptonite for the masses.

  11. potted meat Says:

    The French are laughing.

    And eating bread and drinking wine. And having sporteffing.

    But not bathing, so we got that goin’ for us.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    “running mate”, “over pumped millworker”, “oversized executive pen” ???? The poor thing has a name. The two of them put together a traveling show many years aog. They headlined under the moniker “Johnny Edwards and Flipper the one-eyed dolphin”.

  13. Hondo Lane Says:

    Sex is gonna take me down…but think of poor Andrew Young. He was “da’ man” until he saw Little Johhny Edwards and immediately felt the need to respond to the Enzyte ads.

    Penis envy is serious, ya’ll. Just look at Tiger Woods…he must have been trying to get past the shortcoming from his Asian ancestry in the old “twig & berries” department.

  14. Rog Says:

    Be sure to wash your hands after attending his book signing. And try not to stare, it’s not polite.