Amusing Myself

August 24, 2008 - 11:57 am 9 Comments

Some shots of me stalking politicians and riding the rides with the lovely Karen Brooks at the media party at the amusement park. I bullshitted my way into the after-party by saying I was Ana Marie Cox. Click here (YOU SHOULD ALREADY HAVE THAT LINK BOOKMARKED) to see what happened after I met PA Gov. Ed Rendell (the last Hillary hold-out).

That guy in the cowboy hat is CO Sen. Ken Salazar. I would never have known that if my friend at the Rocky Mountain News hadn’t pointed him out. Same with Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper (whose wife used to write for Texas Monthly). When I told him, what a coincidence — I work for Texas Monthly!, he asked me if I was a writer. I told him, no, I’m the editor of! He looked at me like, back off, little troll.

The group shot is me with my fellow Medill alums, who have all gone on to become brilliant and celebrated journalists. (That’s Josh Green of The Atlantic on the left.) I, of course, told them that I have replaced Maureen Dowd at the New York Times.

Bonus shot, bottom photo: Ed Rendell and some TV reporter’s boobs.

9 Responses to “Amusing Myself”

  1. Credentials Says:

    Good times!

  2. Dallas Snob Says:

    Who’s breasts are those in the last picture?

  3. Potted Meat Says:

    interesting dust jacket price clip on last photo.

    Hopefully not a first Ed, or the value has been greatly lowered………..or is it just censorbloggership!

    hope you ladies got to play bumpercars and knock some sense into alleged leaders.

  4. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 2. Dallas Snob

    That’s me. I just usually keep them hidden.

  5. Dallas Snob Says:

    Definitely calendar material.

  6. Lefty Says:

    Re: 4. Pink Lady

    talking points?

  7. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Awww, look at you and Credentials. Great picture.

  8. Credentials Says:

    Re: 7. Don’t Mess w/ Pink

    See how my legs are literally sticking out of the side of the car??? PL couldn’t even touch the floor.

  9. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 8. Credentials

    I hate you.