
...it's going to take all of us to meet the challenges facing our nation... The solutions will be measured by how they affect the lives of all people living in the 22nd... and the nation.


I’m Frank Briscoe, and I’m running for U.S. Congress, Texas Congressional District 22. I’m running to break the stalemate in Washington and help build what Congressman Joaquin Castro calls “the Infrastructure of Opportunity.” That infrastructure, which is necessary for Americans of all income levels to realize their aspirations, includes excellent public schools and universities, good-paying jobs, and sound, affordable health care.

Our Congress has never been so divided, yet the challenges facing us today are urgent and require unprecedented cooperation. Please join us as we bring a new spirit to Washington; one of responsive, Smart Government. And help us get to work building the Infrastructure of Opportunity.


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Frank Briscoe, candidate for US Congress.

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