Rep. Steve Stockman Wonders If Obama Is Using Ebola To Take Over Government

Republican Rep. Steve Stockman told and an End Times radio show host that Obama may be spreading the Ebola virus around so he can use his super executive powers to control everything,
Rep. Steve Stockman Wonders If Obama Is Using Ebola To Take Over Government

Tea party wacko Rep. Steve Stockman, who has been cited for dishonesty by the office of Congressional Ethics, and has compared migrant children to an Army invading France, told an End Times nutjob that he's worried President Obama might be allowing the spread of Ebola in America so he can assume complete control of the government.

Rep. Steve Stockman yesterday chatted with End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles, telling the “Trunews” host that President Obama may be delaying the government response to the Ebola epidemic because he wants the virus to spread. Once it spreads, Stockman argued, then Obama will use the Ebola outbreak as a justification to declare emergency powers.

The Republican lawmaker insisted that was simply just asking the question: “It’s just bizarre there’s not enough action up front and I’m wondering if that’s — I’m not saying this — but I’m wondering if that’s intentional in order to create a greater crisis to use it as a blunt force to say, well in order to solve this crisis we’re going to have to take control of the economy and individuals and so forth.”

“It’s just a strange non-response, a strange way of handling it and I think that if it does go forward and we do not control it, there may be an overreaction where the government starts taking away the rights of those that aren’t that necessarily involved or need that to happen,” he said. “I hope that’s not that case but as you know this current government uses crisis to advance their philosophy and their agenda.”

You would think host Rick Wiles would be in favor of letting Ebola scrub the country and the world of as many people as possible since his show is called End Times, but no...he's just interested in killing gays, abortionists, pornographers and anything liberal.

Wiles was naturally receptive to the Texas congressman’s remarks, as he has previously alleged that Obama may infect soldiers with Ebola and use the outbreak to persecute Christians and “round up patriots.” Wiles also suggested that the epidemic may be a positive episode for the country since “Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion.”

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These two deserve each other and I hope they both burn in Hell. Just sayin'

About John Amato


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