Texas Politics

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Greg Abbott calls Wendy Davis a football flip-flopper (UPDATE)


Davis spokesman Zac Petkanas said, “Wendy Davis has two words: Go Cowboys!”
The Davis camp pointed out a $10,000 donation from former Dallas Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith to the Texas Victory Committee, a joint project of the Davis campaign and Battleground Texas, a group working to make Texas competitive for Democrats.
Abbott spokesman Matt Hirsch said the attorney general favors two Texas teams: the Cowboys and the Texans.

“Having spent considerable time living in both markets, he has an affinity for both teams. But having grown up in the shadows of the Cotton Bowl when the Cowboys played at that stadium, he remains a diehard fan. Either way, he’s no fan of liberal New England politics or their football team,” Hirsch said.

Original Post”
AUSTIN — When the silly season meets football season in the race for governor, here’s what you can expect: a press release from Attorney General Greg Abbott calling Sen. Wendy Davis a flip-flopper for voicing her admiration for the Cowboys.

The Abbott camp highlighted this KTCK-AM radio interview in which Davis said she grew up cheering for the Cowboys and will be doing so again this year:

It contrasted that statement with Vogue interview in which Davis’ daughter described her as a Patriots fan and a shot of a “Go Pats!” comment on Facebook by Davis.

I’ve asked Abbott’s camp which pro team he supports. No word yet. Is there time for a poll before he responds?

Peggy Fikac

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