Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Texas Congressman Steve Stockman, a stupid bastard.

No one but Steve Stockman (Teabagger-TX) can make up this incredible stupidity claiming the President has allowed the Ebola virus into the United States in order to take control of the country. From Crooks and Liars:

Rep. Steve Stockman yesterday chatted with End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles, telling the “Trunews” host that President Obama may be delaying the government response to the Ebola epidemic because he wants the virus to spread. Once it spreads, Stockman argued, then Obama will use the Ebola outbreak as a justification to declare emergency powers.

Steve Stockman is what we in Texas call a "stupid bastard". He is a teabagger. We should expect him to be ignorant but maybe not stupid. We do expect elected officials to be reasonable. That memo has been lost in the Tea Party. The vast majority of Teabaggers are ignorant bastards and the remaining are stupid bastards. Ignorance can be cured if treated early. Stupidity can't. 

Steve Stockman is on his way out after yet a 2nd failure as a United States Congressman. Lucky for us Stockman will not be eligible for a tax funded pension or tax funded healthcare as a US Congressman. Stockman will go down in history as the dumbest Congressman in the history of Congress.


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