Monday, September 29, 2014

Republicans are White

The Tea Party is trying to redefine itself as being a party with a big tent. A home to African-Americans, Hispanics, Women, Labor, and gays. Ok. Not gays. Opening their party to those of color is stretching for the Tea Party, but allowing gay people to populate their ranks is going to far. But for Blacks, Browns, non Christians.....OK, not non-Christians either. Christians only and no gays. And no sick or old people. Or Teachers. And no government workers either. They have their standards to uphold. 

So in their attempt to paint themselves as the party of embracing a Black President and immigrant children crossing the border to find a safe place to sleep, they released an ad call "Republicans are White". Actually I think it is "I am a Teabagger" or maybe "I am a Republican". Eitherway, they seem to have a problem finding people of color for their ad. From Americans Against The Tea Party:

The ad reminds us that Republicans are people, too — just terrible ones. After all, when an entire ad campaign has to be concocted to inform people that those who subscribe to the GOP’s mindset are human, something’s up.

The AATTP notes that their pictures are stock photos bought from and the picture above is from a group that promotes inclusion for organizations that have problems with inclusion. But at least this photo is correct. 

Republicans are White. 

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