Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dewhurst: Time to put the Twoubled TWIA down

Once again, Greg Abbott is missing.

Take a functioning, not perfect, but functioning organization and reform it till it fails, then call for it's abolishment. That is what out going Lt Governor, David Dewhurst, has suggested. From KRIS in Corpus Christi:

Dewhurst wants a senate committee to find a way, over time, to move people under T.W.I.A. coverage to private insurance carries, hopefully, at competitive rates.

Over the last decade we have moved in the opposite direction moving people, over time, under private insurance carriers, to TWIA. TWIA used to cover about 6% of property on the coast. They were considered an insurance of last resort. TWIA now covers over 75% as the "free market" has fled the market leaving property owners with no resort. This was a result of the massive insurance reforms of 2003 that has, obviously, failed miserably.

Now Dewhurst wants to fix the damage he and Rick Perry created and guess who is going to pay for this? Go ahead and guess. I will give you a hint. It starts with "W" and ends in "E". There is no doubt TWIA is in serious financial trouble. According to KRIS, TWIA insures  $84 billion worth of property in Texas coastal areas, but has about $200 million in cash. 

I've said this before:
So after a decade of promises of lower rates, better coverage, and lower premiums, the people along the coast, who voted for the people who made these promises, are now going to be the people who pay for it. The only thing they have left is to laugh at themselves for being such incredible, gullible, fools and for doing nothing about it.
If all the people on the coast were Teabaggers, I would be pointing my finger at them and laughing.

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