Thursday, May 08, 2014

What idiot would steal money from a cancer research fund?

My "What idiot would...." series of posts has become a regular event for Greg Abbott. Abbott has been questioned about his support for standardized testing of 4 year olds, defending medical malpractice, supporting less pay for a woman's work, against a texting while driving ban, defending skyrocketing insurance rates, campaigning with a known racist, and now taking money from a fund dedicated to cancer research. Abbott has since gone into hiding with an APB being issued for his safe return. From the Dallas Morning News:

In 2007, Texas voters authorized the state to issue $3 billion in bonds to set up the cancer agency and fund scientific research and treatments.

Abbott was designated a member of the oversight board. He says he didn’t attend any meetings to avoid a potential conflict of interest in the event his office might have to investigate any wrongdoing.

After published reports last year of questionable payments — including a $11 million grant to one startup without required scientific review — a top agency official was indicted, the board was replaced and Abbott announced his office would investigate.

Abbott’s office says he acted appropriately.

While money, we designated for cancer research, was diverted to Abbott's and Rick Perry's donors, Abbott sat quietly, doing nothing. Anyone who has had an experience with cancer should be furious. There is something really wrong with this man. Hopefully he will stay hiding.

1 comment:

bshirley said...

Anyone who pays taxes should be furious.