Tuesday, April 01, 2014

What idiot would be against Pre-K education?

This is becoming a pattern for Greg Abbott:
Today, Texas teacher groups criticized Greg Abbott's "plan" for pre-k in Texas which picks and chooses which children receive access to full day pre-k. In his plan, he called it a "waste" to expand full day pre-k to all Texas children.  
It is bad enough that Abbott doesn't support equal pay for women and supports and defends medical malpractice, but now he thinks pre-K schooling is a waste. What is a waste is what he stands for. What is a waste is that he can't realized he has two women in his life that deserve equal pay for equal work. What is a waste is that he can't realize that he was compensated fairly for an accident that left him paralyzed but now wants to defend those who paralyze others. And now he wants to limit pre-K education to only those 4 year olds that can pass a test.
Additionally, Abbott's plan would push for controversial testing methods at the pre-k level, introducing standardized testing to four year olds in Texas. 
Seriously, what idiot would be against equal pay for women, defend medical malpractice, and advocate standardized testing of 4 year olds? And what idiot would vote for him?

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