FrackNation’s Phelim McAleer desperate for audience

by TXsharon on September 27, 2012

in fracking's Joe Camel, propaganda, Uncategorized

We learned from Wonkette in June how desperate FrackNation is for an audience. Make a one minute video and you can win an iPad.

Tipster ‘NotThatDewey’ has apparently landed himself on a heck of an email list, and now the down home, grassroots folks of the American Petroleum Institute would like him (and you!) to put together a one-minute video showing the positive wonderful and totally orgasmic benefits of fracking! Does fracking increase your girth for her pleasure? PROBABLY. Will it help you lose weight? HELL YEAH. Does it add that special frisson of excitement from not knowing when Ohio will get its next fracking-induced earthquake? Oh, indubitably!

Their YouTube video announcing this contest has a whopping 680 views. THUD.

Half-truths are the weapons most used by the fracking industry. They usually have just a smattering of the truth mixed in with their whoppers. The fracking industry’s Joe Camel types tell outright lies–BIG ONES. But Phelim McAleer aka Phlegm McClear, a carpetbagger  from Ireland, who came to the U.S.  and made a fracking mocumentary he calls FrackNation, has crossed a line. This should give you a hint about the quality of FrackNation.

In an attempt to draw an audience to his mocumentary, Phlegm wrote a NY Post “op-ed” attacking Matt Damon’s new movie, Promised Land. It’s full of the typical industry PR-BS.  But he makes a statement that is not only an outright lie but is libelous, injurious and likely actionable.

Among all the other utter bullcrap he wrote, was this:

There was Wolf Eagle Environmental Engineers in Texas, a group that produced a frightening video of a flaming house water pipe and claimed a gas company had polluted the water. But a judge just found that the tape was an outright fraud — Wolf Eagle connected the house gas pipe to a hose and lit the water.

If you click the link to the Star-Telegram article provided by McAleer in his screed, you will see that the judge actually said:

 In his order, Loftin expressed concern that Lipsky, “under the advice or direction” of Rich, attached a hose to the water well’s gas vent — not to a water line — and then lit the gas from the hose’s nozzle.

Never mind the alarming fact that your water well should NEVER be venting enough gas to turn a hose into a flamethrower, but that ruling by the judge says nothing about connecting the hose to the house gas pipe.

In addition, as Brantley Hardgrove reported from reading court documents:

Loftin concluded that a jury might agree. “This demonstration was not done for scientific study but to provide local and national news media with a deceptive video, calculated to alarm the public into believing the water was burning,” Loftin wrote. Lipsky, he reasoned, could not set his water on fire, as he so often claimed. The judge believed Lipsky attached the green garden hose to the gas vent to intentionally “alarm the EPA.”

His order disregarded the photo filed in evidence of a well service tech flaring both gas and water from Lipsky’s well.

Even Range’s own expert, petroleum engineer McBeath, said in his testimony that the water well company had attached the hose to burn the gas off further from the wellhead. The purpose was to avoid an accidental fire, not to conspire against Range. After all, the EPA hadn’t based its order on a video. The agency’s investigators had seen it all for themselves.

Judge Loftin had to recuse himself from the case and did not win his election to that office because of a scandal that made national, state and local news. He bragged about the case and called parties to the case names. The voters rejected him and he had to recuse himself.

This is a clear example of how desperate the fracking mafia and all their minions are.

McAleer has a partner named Ann. According to an article by Josh Glasstetter, “she is very upset about dumb, lying environmentalists and very excited about fracking, which is a miraculous gift from God.” 

In the FrackNation world, God gets the credit for fracking and not the American tax payer funded Mitchell Energy.

Glasstetter sums up Ann’s speech to CPAC:

The thesis of McElhinney’s manic, meandering speech is that fracking is the best thing to ever happen to us, but it could be squandered by ignorant and dumb people who have been tricked into opposing it by scheming, dishonest environmentalists who agree with Vladimir Putin and secretly hate the Bald Eagle.

She also says our drinking water has always been flammable. Who knew? All this time we could have been lighting our tap water instead of using that “clean burning” gas.

Also see FrackNation attacks Promised Land.

P.S. According to a survey conducted by Pace University in 2004, the Post was rated the least-credible major news outlet in New York, and the only news outlet to receive more responses calling it “not credible” than credible (44% not credible to 39% credible).[32]

{ 13 comments… read them below or add one }

Chip Northrup September 27, 2012 at 9:55 am

Phlegm McClear considered and rejected the following titles:



Robert Finne September 27, 2012 at 10:38 am

This clown prince has made a career out of glomming on to other people in an effort to further his own career, which is still non existent seeings how every film he’s made has flopped no matter who he’s glommed onto.


DEB September 27, 2012 at 1:44 pm

It’s okay. The “film maker without fame” didn’t stand a chance of getting hired by any real and honest groups, so he had to suck up to the Gasholes. Where else would he get paid for lying?


Dory September 27, 2012 at 1:47 pm

Quote “She also says our drinking water has always been flammable.”

do our local firefighters know about this? should they be putting out housefires with water?


TXsharon September 27, 2012 at 1:52 pm



GhostBlogger September 30, 2012 at 2:32 am


A house in Geauga County exploded Dec. 15, 2007, in Bainbridge Township near the site of a vertically fracked well. The two residents in the home at the time of the explosion were not injured, but the house had significant damage, according to Ohio Department of Natural Resources records.

Early in the investigation, investigators recognized that natural gas was entering homes via water wells. ODNR determined that accumulation and confinement of deep, high-pressure gas combined with a poor cement casing of the English No.1 Well between Nov. 13, 2007, and Dec. 15, 2007, resulted in too much pressure, which caused the gas to escape into the water table.


GhostBlogger September 30, 2012 at 2:45 am

Let’s see them spin this:

Lightning catches water well on fire

The lightning struck a well owned by Magnum Producing, LP, an oil and natural gas company with a site near BAE Systems off of Interstate Highway 10. The water in the tanks still contained some petroleum, which provided fuel for the fire, said Sealy Assistant Fire Chief Eric Zapalac.

“The biggest thing was nobody could figure out how to get to (the fire),” said Zapalac.


Alberta Neighbor September 30, 2012 at 3:17 pm

Pennsylvania 2010 – 2011 – “The McKean County homes were located about two and half miles from each other in neighborhoods bordering Hedgehog Lane, where oil and gas drilling activities had caused methane gas infiltration into drinking water wells, leading to taste and smell impacts. Schreiner Oil, the company involved, was ordered by the PA DEP to restore the water and has been providing bottled water to the impacted neighborhood.

The explosion of the two houses in close proximity to this troubled area certainly appears to be more than coincidence, yet the phenomenon is poorly understood and there is currently no way of preventing or even predicting when such incidents may occur.”

I’ll bet an insurance company can see something like that coming a mile away, no pun intended.

Ohio 2007 – “A separate amount was given to Mr. and Mrs. Payne, whose house on English Drive was lifted off its foundation by the explosion.

Ohio Valley Energy and other companies involved with the drilling also paid off Nationwide Insurance, which had the coverage on the Paynes’ home.”

It doesn’t look like Nationwide is impressed.

2012 – “After months of research and discussion, we have determined that the exposures presented by hydraulic fracturing are too great to ignore.

Nationwide Insurance: Fracking Damage Won’t Be Covered

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. has become the first major insurance company to say it won’t cover damage related to a gas drilling process that blasts chemical-laden water deep into the ground.

The Columbus, Ohio-based company’s personal and commercial policies “were not designed to cover” risk from the drilling process, called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, Nationwide spokeswoman Nancy Smeltzer said Thursday.”

In Alberta, a water tower explodes.

2005 – “Tracy Gooler, Wheatland County constable and manager of protective services, said that the county’s water operator, John Garvin, was endeavoring to thaw out an inlet supply line, to the portable water reservoir in Rosebud, with a propane tiger torch at about 2:30 p.m.

‘He had done his checks,’ Gooler said, adding that when the match was struck to light the torch, an explosion occurred.

… Gooler said the operator was unable to detect the gases by smell and did not use a detection device. Garvin sustained non-life threatening, but fairly substantial injuries, including two broken wrists and some burns to the face and hands.

… The reservoir sustained significant damage, including moving the concrete roof 16 inches, and some vertical cracks to the walls.”


Rosemary Reed January 6, 2013 at 9:53 am

This Ireland idiot was on Fox News Sunday Morning at 9:00am with his FracNation and BS.


TXsharon January 6, 2013 at 9:57 am

I wonder why he is not in his home country promoting fracking. He is just a carpetbagger who saw a way to make a quick buck.


Tim Ruggiero January 7, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Because the Pied Piper drove all the snakes out of Ireland…..


TXsharon January 7, 2013 at 10:25 pm

I’ll buy that.


Dory January 11, 2013 at 12:06 pm

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