Boycott List

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The Boycott List is an informal list of websites and publications that have made factually inaccurate representations of #GamerGate due to poor research, yellow journalism or other unprofessional reasons, or have had serious ethical problems not necessarily related to #GamerGate. It also includes social media websites that have censored discussion about #GamerGate for reasons having to do with the above. #GamerGate supporters often choose to completely boycott the most serious and repeat offenders.

Gaming Websites

Website Reason
Destructoid Participant in Gamers are Dead, fired employees under questionable circumstances
Eurogamer Participant in Gamers are Dead, inaccurate GamerGate articles
Gamasutra Double participant in Gamers are Dead, inaccurate GamerGate articles
GameInformer Claims that Gamergate has furthered stereotypes of violence and misogyny, and it's a non-issue [1]
Gameplanet Misrepresentation of Gamergate, no research and lazy journalism from editor Matt Maguire on Radio New Zealand National. [2]
Gameranx Editor in Chief Ian Miles Cheong's flippant disregard for ethics in games journalism [3] Attributes harassment to GamerGate, "happily admit[s] to push[ing] an agenda" [4]
  • Gamespot AU
  • Gamespot World
GiantBomb One-sided, poorly researched GamerGate articles [5]
  • Kotaku AU
  • Kotaku BR
  • Kotaku JP
  • Kotaku UK
Participant in Gamers are Dead, lacking in journalistic integrity, owned by Gawker Media
Motherboard @ Vice One-sided, poorly researched GamerGate articles [6], owned by Vice
PC Gamer Misrepresentation of GamerGate [7]
PCGamesN Writer Steve Hogarty belligerently attacks GamerGate on Twitter[8]
Polygon Participant in Gamers are Dead, inaccurate GamerGate articles
Rock Paper Shotgun Participant in Gamers are Dead, inaccurate GamerGate articles
  1. Game Informer’s Stance on GamerGate
  2. RNZN Interview
  3. Ian Miles Cheong Twitter feed
  4. Announcement: Readers who feel threatened by equality no longer welcome
  5. Letter From the Editor 10/17/2014
  6. Will Trolls Always Have a Home?
  7. Anita Sarkeesian cancels talk after school shooting threat
  8. Steve Hogarty Twitter feed

Technology Websites

Website Reason
Ars Technica Participated in Gamers are Dead, Senior Gaming Editor founded GameJournoPros email group
GitHub Removed repository related to GamerGate under guise that it was organized harassment [1][2]
GitLab Removed repository related to GamerGate under guise that it was organized harassment [3][4]
The Verge Censorship in articles comments and community forums, ran articles equating GamerGate to organized harassment
Wired Ran articles equating Gamergate to misogyny and terrorism [5][6]
  1. Github repo page
  2. Message from Github support
  3. Gitlab tweet about the removal of the repo
  4. Gitlab discussion on their forums
  5. Gamergate Goons Can Scream All They Want, But They Can’t Stop Progress
  6. How 4chan manufactured the #GamerGate controversy

Main Stream Media

Publication Reason
The Financial Post Participated in Gamers are Dead
The Guardian One-sided, poorly researched GamerGate articles
MSNBC One-sided, poorly researched GamerGate news segments
The New Yorker One-sided, poorly researched GamerGate articles
The Washington Post One-sided, poorly researched GamerGate articles

Community Forums

Website Reason
4chan Thought- and tone-policing mods, censorship of GamerGate discussion
Neogaf Total censorship of GamerGate discussion
Mighty No. 9 Total censorship of GamerGate discussion [1]
Something Awful Suspected origin of many of the worst trolls in the conflict
  1. Mighty No. 9 – A lesson in how not to manage a community

Public Events

Event Reason
Critical Proximity Event created and hosted by Critical Distance, a project of Silverstring Media
Independent Games Festival Corrupt award show connected to Silverstring Media
Indie Cade Award show implicated in conspiracy to artificially award Fez
Penny Arcade Expo
  • PAX Australia
  • PAX Dev
  • PAX East
  • PAX Prime
  • PAX South
Rebel Jam Game Jam started by Zoe Quinn after demonizing The Fine Young Capitalists

Other Webites

Website Reason
Badass Digest Writer Devin Faraci belligerently attacks GamerGate on Twitter[1]
BoingBoing Hosts articles by Leigh Alexander, routinely smears and mocks GamerGate
BuzzFeed Participant in Gamers are Dead
Comics Alliance Framing GamerGate as a movement about harassment and misogyny [2]
Cracked Ran articles equating GamerGate to organized harassment
The Daily Beast Participant in Gamers are Dead
The Daily Dot
Deadspin Owned by Gawker Media
Gawker Owned by Gawker Media
io9 Owned by Gawker Media
Jezebel Owned by Gawker Media
The Mary Sue Complete and repeated misrepresentation of GamerGate [3]
Raw Story Complete and repeated misrepresentation of GamerGate [4]
ValleyWag Owned by Gawker Media
Vice Misrepresentation of GamerGate to the point of fear mongering [5]
Vox One-sided, poorly researched GamerGate articles [6]
We Hunted The Mammoth Complete and repeated misrepresentation of GamerGate [7]
  1. Devin Faraci Twitter feed
  2. Fear As A Way Of Life: Why Women In Comics Don’t ‘Just Report’ Sexual Harassment
  3. Joss Whedon, Boston Globe Journalist Smack Down “But GamerGate Is About Journalistic Ethics!” Argument
  4. Gamergate’s anti-woman agenda made clear: Actor Felicia Day threatened for speaking up
  5. Does Someone Have to Actually Die Before GamerGate Calms Down?
  6. Angry misogyny is now the primary face of #GamerGate
  7. Today in #GamerGate: Entitled manchildren use manic pixel dream girl as their shield (again)