Garrett Graham PRO

Denton, Texas

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User Bio

I was born in Plano, Texas and now I live in Denton. I recently graduated from the University of North Texas, class of 2012, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Radio, Television and Film. My academic focus was documentary filmmaking.

I am an activist who has worked on many projects with a diversity of organizations such as Students for a Democratic Society, Rising Tide North America, The Dallas Peace Center, the Z Media Institute, Greenpeace and the Tar Sands Blockade.

I am currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts Degree in documentary filmmaking at the University of North Texas. I expect to graduate in 2018. I am currently employed as an audio-visual technician at UNT and as a Graduate Library Assistant in the UNT MEdia Library. I am also assisting the award-winning filmmaker John Fiege on a documentary film about environmental activism currently in post-production.

External Links


  1. Tracie Hunter
  2. Six Island Productions
  3. JFOX
  4. Denton Staged
  5. David Goodman
  6. Videopia
  7. John Hess
  8. Bongani Mlambo
  10. Tuarean Hodge Films
  11. Sharie Vance
  12. Imagineer Entertainment
  13. Watch Disruption
  14. Global Access Media
  15. David Hamilton
  16. Louis C Martin
  17. Dev Bavenport
  18. Rebecca Renteria

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