Frack ban: Flyers, flyers everywhere

Residents both in and outside of Denton reported receiving flyers about Denton’s vote tomorrow night on the proposed ban on hydraulic fracturing. (This is in addition to reports that residents are being asked to sign a plebiscite petition that ostensibly opposes the ban, although an increasing number of residents tell us they were mislead by the petition workers about the meaning of the petition.)

Here’s a copy of what’s shown up on Denton doorsteps.

The website registration for Clean Resources has been made private, but the group likely has ties to the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council (BSEEC), a longstanding industry-funded effort. A handful of people from Fort Worth came sporadically to Denton City Council public hearings in the past few years and identified themselves as being from Clean Resources before stating their opposition to revised oil and gas development rules. The director of BSEEC, Ed Ireland, served on the city’s task force in the re-writing of those rules.

In addition, mineral owners in several nearby cities report receiving this letter in the mail, urging them to come to the Denton City Council meeting Tuesday.

The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. The city staff are preparing for a crowd. Here is an advisory to help if you plan to attend.


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