Mo’ Money – 31 Million Dollars

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Do these guys & gals think they are invisible?  How utterly shameless are they?  Well, I guess 31 million dollars IS a lot of money, after all, and we all know how these senators like their golf, and their whatevers, or maybe it’s just the POWER – is this supposed to make the rest of us feel unattended to?

I am personally embarrassed, in a collective way,  for these people.  You can look up Your Senator here to see the detailed $ amount of their pathetic betrayal.

From Oil Change International:

“Senators Supporting KXL Took Nearly $31 Million From Fossil Fuel Industry Before Vote

Average KXL Supporter has Taken 3.5 Times More Money from Industry Than Non-Supporters

Washington, DC– New analysis today from Oil Change International reveals that supporters of the just-passed non-binding Keystone XL pipeline amendment received 3.5 times more in campaign contributions from fossil fuel interests than those voting “no”. In total, researchers found that supporters took an average of $499,648 from the industry before voting for the pipeline, for a staggering total of $30,978,153.”

The specifics, again thanks to Oil Change International: 

In total, co-sponsors of this amendment have pulled in a total haul of over $8 million dollars from the fossil fuel industry.  Non-partisan greed.

Co-sponsors’s dirty energy money ties:

  • Senator Hoeven R-ND has received more than $421,000 from fossil fuel interests
  • Senator Baucus D-MT has received more than $680,000 from fossil fuel interests
  • Senator Cornyn R-TX has received more than $2.1 MILLION from fossil fuel interests
  • Senator Manchin D-WV has received more than $1 MILLION from fossil fuel interests
  • Senator Roberts R-KS has received more than $400,000 from fossil fuel interests
  • Senator Heitkamp D-ND has received $47,450 from fossil fuel interests (in just one Senate race in a small state)
  • Senator Barrasso R-WY has received more than $819,000 from fossil fuel interests
  • Senator Landrieu D-LA has received more than $1.25 MILLION from fossil fuel interests
  • Senator Murkowski R-AK has received more than $1.04 MILLION from fossil fuel interests
  • Senator Begich D-AK has received more than $212,000 from fossil fuel interests (in just one Senate race)

IMHO, they should all be ashamed.    And we should be ashamed for letting this happen.

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