If Lesbians Are Attracted to Women, Why Do Some of Them Dress Like Men? (Video.)

Expanding the LGBTQ Conversation
Oct. 29 2014 9:53 AM

Ask a Homo: Butch Aesthetics


Welcome back to Ask a Homo, a judgment-free zone where the gays of Outward answer questions about LGBTQ politics, culture, etiquette, language, and other queer conundrums. In this edition we consider why lesbians—who are, after all, attracted to women—sometimes draw on traditionally male aesthetics.

If there are questions you’ve been dying to ask a member of the real rainbow coalition, this is your chance. Send your queries—for publication—to slateoutward@gmail.com, and please put “ASK A HOMO” in the subject line. Note that questions may be edited.


Other Questions Asked of Homos:

June Thomas is a Slate culture critic and editor of Outward, Slate’s LGBTQ section. 

Christian Lesperance is a freelance video producer and editor working with Slate.

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