Sorry, You Can’t Stream Yourself Playing Video Games Naked on Twitch Anymore

Future Tense
The Citizen's Guide to the Future
Oct. 29 2014 5:59 PM

Sorry, You Can’t Stream Yourself Playing Video Games Naked on Twitch Anymore

Come on, folks, keep the nudity where it belongs: out in public.

Photo by LINDSEY PARNABY/AFP/Getty Images

You have to assume that anyone you interact with online could be naked at any time. You could be emailing with a co-worker who isn’t wearing pants, or instant messaging with a friend who just got out of the shower. Who knows! Who cares!

Unless your naked buddy is using Twitch, which offers a  livestream of video game players on the service. And a Rules of Conduct update is making it clear that everyone needs to be wearing clothes to use Twitch.


The revision also says that you can’t stream gameplay to Twitch that has a “core focus” of nudity. In terms of personal attire, Twitch doesn't want anything sexually suggestive (“lingerie, swimsuits, pasties, and undergarments”). And, again, no torso or full-body nudity. The service is so committed to these rules that the update actually includes detailed tips about how to keep from getting too hot while gaming. Switch to fluorescent lightbulbs! Or crop your webcam picture so it only shows your face! “There is always a workaround.” Necessity is indeed the mother of invention.

Twitch seems serious about enforcing these rules and says that both employees and global moderators can suspend an account for “any activity that we deem inappropriate or harmful.” If you get suspended, you’re allowed to appeal, but Twitch doesn't have to do anything or provide a reason for your suspension.

The sudden change could be motivated by corporate overlord Amazon or an ever-increasing population of overheated gamers. It’s not clear how many people were previously naked on Twitch at any given time. Perhaps anticipating some pushback, the service makes a point of emphasizing that it's just trying to create a safe and inclusive community. “Nerds are sexy, and you’re all magnificent, beautiful creatures, but let’s try and keep this about the games, shall we?” Duly noted.

Future Tense is a partnership of SlateNew America, and Arizona State University.

Lily Hay Newman is lead blogger for Future Tense.

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