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Archive for September, 2009

The present situation with Fracking Natural Gas in Upstate New York

Natural gas is not green. Drilling for it is a dirty, dangerous business. The industry lies about the process of  fracturing – consistently trying to confuse people into believing that the mildly malignant vertical fracturing is the same as the high-pressure horizontal hydraulic fracturing that will invade and scar NY state like it’s done to other states before it.

It is a lie that no water has been contaminated due to this type of gas extraction. It is a lie that there are proven long-term economic benefits as opposed to the disadvantages. It is a lie that vertical is the same as horizontal. It is a lie that “this has been done in NY State for decades without any incident of contamination.” It hasn’t been done, that’s why there hasn’t been contamination from it. There has been contamination in plenty of the places where it has been done, though. Don’t let NYS become another Ft. Worth, Texas. (which used to be a great place, too.)

It is a ruse for suckers that anyone is getting “free money.” It is the last resort of scoundrels to try to use the lame argument that “America needs the energy.” Of course America needs energy, but we don’t need it by ruining America to get it. It’s like saying, “A junkie needs his heroin.” That argument is used by people who are too dense to realize that the future lies in renewable energy, or don’t they have enough faith in their own nation to think we can do that? The Germans and the Chinese are going to do it. I think it’s about as un-American you can get to think that we can’t compete with them, just so some greedy corporations can con some people into thinking that they are the only answer.

Don’t be a sucker.

Listen to:

NY Moves Closer to Natural Gas Drilling Upstate

by Ilya Marritz on  WNYC

This reportage gives you the scoop in a nutshell. Complete, accurate, and to-the-point.

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NPR tries damage control

In a post ,Water Contamination Concerns Linger For Shale Gas
by TOM GJELTEN at the NPR website, NPR tries some damage control.

Good try.

After “Morning Perdition” so pitifully dropped the journalistic ball on this one, this was a nice attempt at CYA.

Too little, too late. Steve Inskeep and friends owe us a huge explanation and apology.

Imagine this:

  • Newspaper headlines today: “NPR is a bunch of terrorists with radical ties to Al Qaeda!”
  • Blurb on third page next day after getting swamped with negative comments, “NPR is maybe not a bunch of terrorists with radical ties to Al Qaeda!”

Of course that’s a ridiculous, twisted, unimaginable scenario. It would be ludicrous for anyone to imagine that. As ludicrous as what they’ve done by shilling for a dangerously not-ready-for-prime-time energy scheme.

Thanks, guys.

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Boom and Bust

Are we there, yet?

Are we there, yet?

It’s funny that the gas industry likes to talk about the economic benefit of gas drilling. Maybe natural gas can do for upstate New York what coal mining did for Appalachia. In today’s report, W. Virginia has the second-lowest median household income in the United States.

What part of “boom and bust” industry don’t people understand?

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Misleading Report from NPR


I’m a frequent listener to NPR, and I count on it for much of my news, as do many people in our area. My local station is WSKG.

So I was shocked to hear a report this morning that was so egregiously misleading, that I had to write in to NPR as well as WSKG. I suggest you do, too. The more response we get on this, the better.

This is what I sent to NPR as a correction to it’s report on “Morning Edition”  and as a comment to WSKG this morning:

Continue Reading »

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Hazardous chemicals cited in drilling spill

What exactly does it take to make the people with denial-syndrome see the hazards of this not-ready-for-prime-time drilling method?

How could an intelligent person talk about there being no danger in the face of such overwhelming evidence?

Here’s some more evidence - a new article on the Dimock spill from the Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin:

Hazardous chemicals cited in drilling spill
Pa. officials monitoring creek; test results expected next week

By Tom Wilber

DIMOCK Pa. — Drilling fluids that spilled into the headwaters of
Stevens Creek contain a class of hazardous chemicals called volatile
organic compounds, according to the latest information from
environmental officials.

Read the whole article here.

Amazing Reaction

Following text is from:

LAKE VIEW, NY (09/18/2009)(readMedia)– The following press statement
was issued by Brad Gill, Executive Director of the Independent Oil and
Gas Association of New York (IOGA-NY) on September 18, 2009.

“On behalf of members the Independent Oil and Gas Association of New
York, we are deeply concerned with the incident that occurred, in
Dimock, Pennsylvania yesterday (September 17, 2009). It is our
understanding that the spill resulted from a decoupling of a water
line, which contained “slick water”. Slick water is comprised of 99.5
percent water and sand and is not considered a toxic substance. The
Pennsylvania DEP has been on hand and is satisfied with the
remediation being completed.

May I interrupt, Brad? “Slick water?” I mean, I know you are concerned, because this may affect your livelihood. I’d believe that you gave a crap about what your company has done to the environment if you weren’t so mealy-mouthed about your contrition.

The incident in Dimock is indeed regrettable and unfortunate. It is
important to note that this circumstance should not be viewed as
representative of members’ work and experience day-to-day. Such
incidents as the spill in Dimock are quiet rare, and natural gas
exploration has been conducted safely and in an environmentally sound
manner for decades in New York. Our companies have worked very, very
hard to work in conscientious concern for the environment – due in
large measure to very rigorous oversight by NYSDEC – and we will
continue to do so. We live and work in New York too.

Yeah, Chernobyl was “unfortunate,” too.  By trying to “spin” this, you are basically telling us we shouldn’t worry, because it’s “under control.” Sure it is. You guys f**ked up, but hey, it’s none of our business, right? Why should we trust you not to f**k up bigger next time, when your main reaction seems to be, “sorry, but it’s no big deal. Nothing to worry about here, folks.”

Sorry, but if your company was working hard in concern for the environment, you wouldn’t be raping it.

Rigorous oversight by the DEC? Are you kidding? Are you the only person who doesn’t know that they are overworked and underfunded, just the way your industry likes them?

We stand steadfast in our conviction that natural gas exploration can
be facilitated in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. In days
to come, IOGA of NY is looking forward to the Department of
Environmental Conservation’s issuance of a generic environmental
impact statement that will guide Marcellus development. And as we have
done in the past, our companies will comply with all regulations and
permit requirements.”

Of course you’re steadfast. You won’t entertain the thought that it’s environmentally friendly, no matter how much VOCs you spill. In this case, “steadfast” and “intentionally and stubbornly ignorant” are the same. Why not? It serves your bottom line.

I’m sure you’re looking forward to the DEC’s issuance, because your industry has lobbied for it’s own interests regardless of the health of the environment or the effect on the population. You’ll comply with the regulations and requirements, because they will be inadequate and lax. Just the way your industry likes them.

IOGA of NY is a trade association founded in 1980 to protect, foster
and advance the common interests of oil and gas producers,
professionals and related industries in the State of New York.

Where does the public or the environment fit in that mix?

Gill’s statement is not an apology – it’s not a formula for eliminating the problem – it’s a bunch of self-serving excuses.

This just in:

Crew spills gas-well lubricant into Pa. wetland

Associated Press – September 18, 2009 6:05 PM ET
DIMOCK, Pa. (AP) -
Cabot spokesman Ken Komoroski says the substance is “relatively innocuous,” but may cause eye, skin and breathing irritations.

read the rest here

You gonna drink that “relatively innocuous” brew, Ken?

As long as companies and their official flunkies behave like this, we have no reason to trust them.

Don’t collaborate. Resist. Write letters. Sign petitions.

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