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Out in New Braunfels

A gay City Council member in a tea party stronghold is building an LGBT community from the ground up.
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Aja Edwards
Aja Edwards/Facebook
New Braunfels City Councilwoman Aja Edwards (left).

Aja Edwards says she dated girls as a teenager, but in conservative New Braunfels, it was always discreet and she didn’t really know what it meant.

“Growing up here in high school, I watched several people get the tar beat out of them and go to ICU for being gay, and I was not about to do that,” Edwards said.

After college, Edwards returned to her hometown and got married. Then, after a divorce, she came out as gay eight months ago.

“Over the past few years, I finally found myself and I had the courage to leave a pretty bad marriage, and I did a lot of self-analysis and realized I don’t even like guys, so why am I doing this?” she said.

It may all sound like a fairly typical coming out story, but there’s one major compounding factor: The 33-year-old Edwards is a member of the New Braunfels City Council who was elected a year and half ago, before she came out. She’s politically connected and owns a real estate business in the town of 60,000—a tea party stronghold between Austin and San Antonio.

For the first eight months, Edwards said, things went surprisingly well.

“I’ve gotten a lot of support from people who I didn’t think would support me,” she said. “I think it’s helped that I’ve been so involved in my community for the last 10 years, that a lot of movers and shakers in town knew me in person.”

Edwards said despite efforts by some to disrupt her real estate business, it’s doing better than ever, partly because she’s worked extra-hard knowing she’d have to overcome any backlash. And as for municipal affairs?

“There’s just been a couple haters, but overall my fellow council members and city staff individually have come up to me and either voiced their support or just said that, ‘Hey, we don’t care,'” she said.

Buoyed by the positive experience, two weeks ago Edwards launched a Facebook support group called “LGBT NB.” She said she wanted LGBT people and straight allies in New Braunfels to know they’re not alone. The group has already grown to almost 200 members, which Edwards called “pretty incredible for New Braunfels.”

Last week, Edwards decided to promote her efforts in a larger mainstream Facebook group, called “Moms of New Braunfels.”

“Hi moms!” Edwards wrote. “I’m in the beginning stages of working on some programs and resources for LGBT youth in NB. If you are a mom of a child who is out or the mom of a child who might be struggling with sexual or gender identity issues, please PM or comment here. I’m looking to use these parents and kids as a research panel to see what kinds of programs might be needed. Thanks!”

The backlash was swift, and it spilled over into another more ideological Facebook group called “New Braunfels Political Moms,” as first detailed in a column by Mike Reynolds, publisher and editor of New Braunfels’ alternative newspaper, the Texas Citizen.

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“Anyone else have a problem with this? Get out of city council if you want to promote LGBT issues in NB. Agree? for (sic) Disagree?” one commenter wrote.

“She was married with step children and after becoming elected she’s divorced and gay… Seems as shady as any politician. I believe change starts in small government such as city council, well I don’t want someone representing the city when she can vote and truly represent who she truly is,” another wrote.

As of Friday, Edwards’ post couldn’t be found on the wall of the “Moms of New Braunfels” Facebook group. The “New Braunfels Political Moms” group is private and posts aren’t visible to the public. The administrator of the “Moms of New Braunfels” group didn’t immediately respond to a message seeking comment.

Michele Barnes, administrator of the “New Braunfels Political Moms” group, told the Observer on Friday in a Facebook message that it was a “non-issue” and there was “no reason to write a [sic] article about it.”

Barnes said her only concern was that no public funds are used to promote the LGBT programs Edwards is pushing.

“I do not care that she is gay – like I told her,” Barnes said. “I’m all for helping those who need it, but done with private funds. … The use of funds is all that I was concerned about. (some have other issues with her – and its their right to have those issues) As for me personally, what she does in her free time is her business,” Barnes said.

Edwards said she’s been blocked from both groups “New Braunfels Political Moms,” but Barnes denied that.

“No she’s not blocked. I’m done now – like I already told you,” Barnes wrote. “But if you continue to harass me with questions, I will block you.”

In any case, Edwards isn’t backing down. For one thing, she said things haven’t gotten much better for LGBT youth in the area since she was a teen.

“There’s literally nothing,” she said. “Canyon High School, one of the four high schools in our area, they have a GSA with one member.”

As a council member, Edwards serves on a mental health task force with representatives from 30 agencies. She asked at a recent meeting whether any offer LGBT-specific mental health services, but none said they do.

Edwards said she’s found a local counselor who’s volunteered to help LGBT youth identified through the Facebook group, and a bar in town has agreed to host an LGBT mixer. She is even considering introducing a nondiscrimination ordinance at City Council and trying to extend domestic partner benefits to city employees.

She said she regularly brings her partner, Crystal Herrera, to City Council and Chamber of Commerce functions, and she plans to run for re-election in the spring of 2016.

“My hope, and perhaps it’s Pollyanna of me, is that people voted for me for what good I could do for our community and not who I date/marry,” Abrams wrote in the comments below the Texas Citizen column. “I’m still me. I’m still the servant leader who is putting into practice the issues I voiced in my campaign. I’m just a human trying to help other humans. I chose to focus my personal efforts right now on LGBT humans.”

Updated (1 p.m., Oct. 24): The original version of this story stated that Edwards had been blocked from both “Moms of New Braunfels” and “New Braunfels Political Moms.” Edwards was only blocked from “New Braunfels Political Moms.” The story has been corrected. We regret the error. 

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  • Guest

    why would you even go to monb with this. you should have know that those small minded bitches would shoot you down. I got shot down for posting that people on food stamps should be able to order custom cakes with them so your issue was a sure bet to get you removed. dont mind them. they mean nothing.

    • Brandi Usher Wright

      So I guess you are referring to a group of women, consisting of over 8,000 members ALL small minded “bitches”. They must be doing something “right” to gain that much support in the community. There have been at least 10 spin off groups from the original….you should have tried one of the others, such as the “Moms of NB Uncensored” group or the secret group “Moms of NB with Class”.

      • Chase Cochran

        Her “number one agenda”? Where do you get this shit?

        • Brandi Usher Wright

          Is that statement hard for you to comprehend? Yes, number one agenda!

          • Chase Cochran

            You must be an absolute joy to live with.

          • Brandi Usher Wright


        • Mike Reynolds

          At this point, I think we have to chalk this up to “just plain nuts”.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Yes, it’s nuts that this story was even written. No one will even comment on how this information written in a PRIVATE Political MOMS Social Media Group was obtained. John Wright, Mike Reynolds and Chase Cochran, you were all instrumental in defaming Michele’s character but still refuse to answer as to how you were even made aware of these comments.

  • Jaylene Graf Ayers

    you should have known going to MONB with this would cause a ruckus.Those small minded bitches are only concerned with praying for everything from split ends to scorpions. Dont bother with them. they are a useless judgemental bunch of bash hags intent on forcing prayer, religion, and giving out blankets to homless people as long as they dont move them into a housing complex next door to their snooty houses, ie southbank.

    • Brandi Usher Wright

      Living in Southbank, I’m personally offended by your judgmental comments, Jaylene. You seem to always have an opinion on others that may be “successful” or actually have a voice. Not all the “Moms of New Braunfels” are small minded, judgmental “bitches”, but everyone in this town IS entitled to their opinion. To my knowledge, you are pretty vocal in the “Moms of NB Uncensored” group. Aja is trying to offer support groups for youth that may be bullied for being who they are. I have documentation were you were publicly participating in defaming my character, personally bullying me in your group, so I’m pretty sure that your tactics are not in compliance with Aja’s agenda. I’m all for equality, but you are obviously not. You don’t judge someone by where they live…the hypocrisy!

      • Bandara Carlos

        BU Wright? Hummmm?

        • Brandi Usher Wright

          I don’t think that one person said ANYTHING about Religion. Associating all Conservatives with Religion is the same as branding all Liberals as Atheists. Maybe some of you angry Liberals need to start praying…you’ll all be harmonious…geez!

          Voting Republican will force our daughters to fight the same battles our grandmothers won…hmm, is this thread about a city councilwoman being “out in New Braunfels” or just another chance for you loud mouth Democrats to have the last word?

        • 1bimbo

          this about sums it up

          • Bandara Carlos

            THE Fascist Brain of a Conservative Republican > <
            That’s right it’s NOTHING. Republicans STAND with NOTHING.
            When you're optometrists tells you, that you are losing your vision and you cannot read the writing on the wall. You're now officially Republican.

          • 1bimbo

            when you fantasize about a one party system, you might be a democrat.. and a communist

          • Bandara Carlos

            As opposed to you and your Republican one-party fantasy system of fascist Nazi?

          • 1bimbo

            read this slowly. let it sink in. GOP stands for:
            1. respect for rule of law
            2. defense of liberty
            3. upholding the constitution

          • Bandara Carlos

            1bimbo that was the best joke of the night. Try this test?

            Okay Name your favorite Republican civil rights
            leader.?…………………………………………………… You can give
            up, I can not either.

          • 1bimbo

            abraham lincoln

          • Siren

            Abraham Lincoln was hardly a civil rights leader, he didn’t give two shits about slavery he cared about preserving the union. I hear Community Colleges have introduction poly sci classes, you should sign up for one.

          • 1bimbo

            let me guess, you’re one of those mexifornians who’s been brainwashed by a looneyliberal professor to h8 america.. to sh*t on the constitution, to revise history and to embrace immorality.. now i understand where you’re coming from

          • Siren

            Let me guess you are one of those high school dropouts originally from the lovely little shitstain of a town that is New Braunfels? I realize you think a college education is something to be laughed at, but so is sitting your fat hillbilly ass on this form for days and clicking the refresh button. Texas isn’t America sweetie, blue states bankroll this nation.

          • 1bimbo

            another siren NB promotion, brought to you by the Aja Edwards Marketing and Public Relations Firm

          • Siren

            When you cannot silence someone or defeat them copy and paste the same bullshit after each comment.

          • 1bimbo

            wouldn’t dream of silencing you.. please keep talking

          • Bandara Carlos

            1bimbo is a reported Abbott’s Paid Bloggers!

          • Bandara Carlos

            1bimbo : so your favorite tune loonyliberal so you should be
            called CrazyFascist, SickTeaNut or my favorite Conservnutnazie? Actually I
            prefer Progressive or Independent. As a Progressive will support ones freedom of

          • Bandara Carlos

            Finally a Republican that claims Abraham Lincoln, you better check with your bosses they won’t agree with you. Gotcha! you might lose your job? lol

          • guest

            defense of the liberty the GOP has decided on not on real liberty. Because ALL liberty includes the right to remove a fetus from my uterus.
            I’m not a liberal I’m a centrist. Get out of my vagina.

          • 1bimbo

            the ole ‘US outta my uterus’ battle cry.. if you’re a big enough girl to have an unplanned pregnancy then you’re big enough to admit abortion is immoral.. the state should not subsidize, promote it or devalue the seriousness of it.. don’t kid yourself, an abortion is ending the life of a human being.. and you better believe moral people should pass laws to protect women from a dr gosnell scenario

          • guest

            I’m an adult woman who has the choice to do whatever I want with my body whether YOU find it immoral or not. Are you or are you not a believer in liberty? not just a pick and choose kind of liberty but across the board. Either you are FOR liberty including me being in charge of what happens to my body OR you are for you deciding what you and the government can and can’t decide for my body. don’t kid yourself sugar I don’t have to follow YOUR morality.

          • Jed

            so does democrat.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Republicans stand with nothing? Really Bandara Carlos? You are the reason that “Liberals” have such a bad reputation. Loud mouth, opinionated and senseless! Get over it.

          • Bandara Carlos

            But while the Republicans oppose help for struggling working families, they are fiercely in favor of more tax breaks for the rich and large corporations.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            and while the Democrats want a “handout”, expecting those with ambition to work extra hard and support the poor for an entire lifetime.

          • Siren

            Speaking of handouts it was very Democratic of the guy you found on eHarmony to take in someone with two illegitimate kids. One would think you had a softer spot for Liberals :(

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Is that all you got? Illegitimate kids? Stalker! Again, you can not have an intelligent conversation without being judgmental or condescending, can you?

            Did you also find out that I was a single mother for 13 years, never received a dime from the Government, put both my kids in college? I married a great man in 2011 when my kids were already grown, so I didn’t need anyone to “take on my illegitimate kids”.

            You should also do a little research on my family. I have an entire legal team that would eat you for lunch, so I suggest you stay out of my personal life and stick to the subject. If my story is told, I’ll be the only one telling it.

          • Bandara Carlos

            Brandi: when is being poor a crime? I support raising the minimum wage so no Support will be required. Think of the tax money that would be saved.?

          • Siren

            Yet is was Liberalism that founded this country. The only loudmouthed opinionated and senseless individual I see all over this form is you. You should probably stick to something that you actually know a little about. How about keeping score at your kid’s little league game?

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Oh God…another one. Ring the siren, please!

          • Siren

            I know that Southbank is a low end neighborhood in the low end shithole town that is New Braunfels lmao. You should probably watch who you call a loudmouth commenter, someone might point out your hypocrisy.

          • 1bimbo

            this must be a sampling of the machismo magic that lights the way for the new braunfels latino population.. good citizens of NB you need to take back your town

          • Siren

            Some of us can afford to live in much nicer places than New Braunfels my friend. But by all means, take it back lol.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Girl, I doubt you could afford to live in Southbank, it’s far from the “low end”, ask Aja yourself. If New Braunfels is such a “shithole” town, why are you commenting on an article written about it? Take your big mouth somewhere else before you piss a lot more people off. I haven’t lived in this town long enough to even be considered a “local”, but I can assure you, there are many that would be offended over your comments regarding this town, so I’d quit mouthing now. You’re just making yourself look stupid!

          • Siren

            Uh oh I might piss off some classy people from New Braunfels? I’m scared. Like I said, Southbank is a low end subdivision in a low end town. I can afford a lot more than to rent there. Perhaps if you got off of this page and actually got a job you could afford to actually purchase something?

          • 1bimbo

            sirens NB promotions are brought to you by the Aja Edwards Marketing and Public Relations Firm… ya see these are aja’s peeps

          • Siren

            You would like people to believe that, but I have never even heard the name Aja before reading the above article lol. So really I couldn’t care less about her or you :)

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I am gainfully employed, as is my husband, we own several homes and pay for both of our kids to attend college…what else do you got? If you think our subdivision is low end, that’s your prerogative. I think most people who actually live in this town would disagree. It seems that you take pride in being a ruthless, nasty bitch, so carry on. The only amusement is coming from you.

          • Siren

            I am beyond amused :) People who live there don’t know any better and clearly you don’t either.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            And this is where she gets her information folks….Chase Cochran, how did you know that we rent our house, by the way? Is this coming from your city councilwoman who you continue to defend? Jennifer, darling, why did you have to create an alias profile, is that your alter ego the one who deep down inside really wishes she was someone else? Y’all are all a bunch of psychotic busy bodies!

          • Chase Cochran

            Well, when one knows how to properly use search engines, it’s amazing what you can find out about a person. I think the library teaches classes on it. You should sign up for one or two.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            The library offers classes on how to stalk someone’s life via search engines? Please, someone sign me up already! It’s even more impressive that you learned how to google yourself, Cochran. You’re not as dumb as I thought!

          • Chase Cochran

            Figured I had to show you how, since it’s obvious you couldn’t figure it out on your own.

            Quote from you earlier: “Oh and by the way, the only Chase Cochran that google recognizes, plays football for the Ohio Bobcats”

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I just thought that since you were such a big deal, I could enter your name into google without the “new braunfels” and there you would be. I was disappointed when this was all that came up. I had to go to page 14 before finding you.

          • Chase Cochran

            When one thinks outside their own little world, it becomes clear that there are *gasp* people who share a name. Take you, for example. If I were simpleminded enough to think that there can’t possibly be more than one Brandi Wright in the world, I would have to assume that you are an African-American woman who serves in the US Army, since that’s what the all-mighty Google tells me.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I’m not portraying myself as a “big deal” and encouraging you to use a “search engine” to find out who I am.

            Actually, my birth name is Brandi Usher. If you google my name, you’d probably discover that I’m a famous “African American” singer…two people in one- Usher and Brandy are both R&B singers. I am disappointed that there is more than one Brandi Wright in the world. I can’t believe that. You got me!

          • Chase Cochran

            You do know that you’re the only one who has used the whole “big-deal” thing over and over, right? And as far as “encouraging” you to use a search engine, you were the one that repeated more than once that you wanted to know “my true identity”. I suggested you use a search. You really are ignorant, aren’t you? You can’t even keep up with the crap you’re posting. You’ve changed the topic so many times it’s mind-boggling.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            No Chase, the questions I originally asked, you never answered, so I’ve just continued to respond to you and your friends crude comments. I’m done with it though. This is no longer amusing. I was hoping I would have found something intriguing about you, but it didn’t happen. Good luck to you and your newspaper.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I would respond and “join” in on your FB conversation, but we’re not friends and I don’t care to be, but I do appreciate “Sheriff Fikac” taking time out of his Bexar County duties to read these comments and question my “Christianity”…that’s so typical. He did not mention Jennifer’s comments calling me a “backwoods trash bag or a “cunt”, but sure judged my comments. My response regarding being flushed down the toilet in a kleenex came from Jennifer John’s mouth. Did you happen to see her initial comment, Sheriff? Here it is:

            “Pity your mom didn’t have a spare wire coat hanger laying around isn’t it?”

            Let me asks other Sheriff’s in the community what they think about your comments? #shameless

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            There is nothing wrong or “classless” about renting a house in Southbank. I probably pay more in rent than most pay for their mortgage. By “renting” we were able to determine if we wanted to stay in the area or not. You’re grasping, Cochran.

            By the way, you can’t find out that information on a search engine. I’m sure the real estate office you share office space with provided it. Who owns that real estate office again? Oh and which city councilwoman’s district is Southbank in?

          • Chase Cochran

            You do know that “search engine” isn’t confined to Google or Bing, right? Try using the Appraisal District search engine. It’s sad that since you are obviously very limited in your skill set, you assume that others have to have info spoon-fed to them as well. I run a newspaper. I know how to find things out. It’s really not all that hard.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I “run” a newspaper…that is the funniest comment in this entire thread. You really do think you’re a big deal, don’t you? I am now starting to pity Aja for having supporters like you.

          • Chase Cochran

            Yes, I “run” a newspaper. Along with my 2 partners. We both know you read it, try checking the inside cover.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I hate to say it, but this is the first I’ve heard of your “newspaper”. Where can I get a copy? I’m dying to check out your writing skills.

          • Chase Cochran

            Did you want a full-list of the 300+ locations just in NB that carry it? Or should I just list the ones closest to you? Up to you.

          • Chase Cochran

            And you obviously didn’t even read this article that you’ve devoted the last few days of your life commenting on, since the name of the paper is right effin’ there in the article. Where do you think The Observer got the story from in the first place?!

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Calm down…I did read the article. It was mostly about Aja being a victim to the “moms” private social media groups. You tried to drag Michele Barnes reputation through the mud for having a different opinion. She stated her views in her own private group and I just asked where you obtained the information from since you weren’t a mom. I NEVER said that I hated gays or didn’t agree with Aja, and if you took time to read my comments, you would have known that I support “equality”. You and your friends made this a political debate and it turned into something really ugly. I haven’t devoted 2 entire days to this thread, trust me, but I have been home sick and when I get a notification, I comment. I’m honestly done. It’s not fun anymore. Wish you well Cochran. Peace out!

          • Siren

            This from someone who sits on a forum all day and hits the refresh button because her psych can handle not having the last word. Poor wittle white trash renter.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            These are the people who read your paper, Chase and you should be proud! if you rent a house or are ever a single parent, you’re considered “poor white trash”. They all want to be “equal” but degrade anyone who doesn’t share their views. Continue to spew hate Jennifer John and I’ll say a prayer for you. Praying that you get some help for your issues. You’ve now called me a whore, white trash, low life, a cunt, a renter, the mother of illegitimate kids- and we’ve never met. Yep, I’d say you have some issues!

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Where did all your comments go on Chase’s thread, Jennifer (aka Siren)? I’m sure he too is ashamed of your loud mouth comments. He’s not even friends with you. You are just a hater of life, I guess. Get off of this forum- it pertains to a city you consider “low end”.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Being a homeowner has nothing to do with this article. I doubt you own a home in San Antonio.

    • Brandi Usher Wright

      And for the record, there is NOTHING wrong with praying for EVERYTHING or giving out blankets to the homeless. You should try it, maybe you would be happier in life, rather than spewing hate to anyone who will listen. Isn’t your statements hypocritical? I would definitely say they’re judgmental, but that’s okay as long as it’s not directed towards to LGBT community, right?

  • 1bimbo

    is edwards required by the homosexuality advocates lobby to demand the community churches provide the new braunfels city council with updates on their sermons?

    • Bandara Carlos

      I meet haters like you all the time. You hate Obama. You hate gay
      people. You hate black people, immigrants, Muslims, labor unions, women who
      want the right to make choices concerning their bodies, and you hate them all.
      You hate being called racist. You hate being called a bigot. Maybe if you
      talked about creating jobs more than you talk about why you hate gay people we
      wouldn’t call you bigots. Maybe if you talked about black people without
      automatically assuming they are on food stamps while demanding their birth
      certificates we wouldn’t call you racist. You hate socialism and social
      justice. You hate regulations and taxes and spending and the Government. You

      • 1bimbo

        you h8 conservative black people, h8 conservative immigrants, h8 conservative labor unions and you h8conservative women

        but we all know the jack@ss party is the party of LOVE! you just love killing unborn babies, love playing your worn out race card, love whining about ‘bigots’ and ‘racists’, love enabling ‘victims’ on the economic plantation and you just love love love social totalitarianism

        the nonsense you spew proves you’d love our country to death

        • Siren

          Since you have so much love for the so-called unborn, perhaps you should ask your husband to stop flushing it down the toilet in a kleenex?

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            The sperm being flushed down the toilet doesn’t have a heartbeat…it’s a life at conception. How long did it take you to come up with that?

          • Siren

            You clearly failed science, a fetus does not have a heartbeat at conception. No wonder you have to rent a house, what an idiotic loser.

          • 1bimbo

            you get an abortion, you kill a baby.. just admit it.. all this noise about the fetus and the heartbeat doesn’t mean diddly.. you. are. killing. a. baby. live with it

          • Siren

            It isn’t technically a living thing without a heartbeat but I can see that you think your high school education trumps science.

          • 1bimbo

            abortion kills babies.. own it

          • Siren

            Pity your mom didn’t have a spare wire coat hanger laying around isn’t it?

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            And too bad your daddy didn’t flush you down the toilet in a kleenex!

          • Siren

            Says the teenage pregnancy statistic lmfao.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Who said anything about renting a house? Oh, do you know where I live now, stalker? That’s kinda creepy. Can you have an intelligent conversation without being condescending and judgmental?…I know that’s a big word for you, so you may want to look up the definition. If you’re one of the Aja followers, she definitely won’t be re-elected.

          • Siren

            I believe I have said multiple times here that I can afford to live in a much nicer place than New Braunfels. I am here for my own amusement.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            So I guess you have also searched what the per capita income is in this town? The only amusement here is your ridiculous comments.

          • Siren

            The per capita income is like 55k. That supposed to be a lot or in any way impressive? Like I said, low end.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            This is also Texas and the cost of living is much cheaper here. I think there’s plenty of us that make more than that here, but $55k a year is definitely not considered “low end”.

      • Brandi Usher Wright

        Wow…most liberals HATE anyone with an opinion!

        • Bandara Carlos

          Wow I was talking about liberal but if you were offended by
          it I should have included Neo conservative like yourself. After all I got my
          information from Fox news like you do; it was intended to offend all haters.
          You surely are not one of the haters I was talking about. LOL

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I can only pray that my daughter is half the woman my grandmother was!

          • Bandara Carlos

            Info for women and daughters, last posting pictures ok BU Wright? ?

          • 1bimbo

            yet the king of the democrats is rapey bill clinton

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            You can call me Brandi….not sure why you continue to say BU Wright…

          • Bandara Carlos

            BU Wright Okay East Texas
            Slang. Brandi and 1bimbo share the same IP address what’s up with that ? lol

          • 1bimbo

            so bandaracarolos is a liar as well as a sociopath.. there are more of us who are pushing back against attacks on religious liberty and homosexuality advocacy than there are of you immoral types.. so don’t be surprised when we become more vocal and stand up for freedom against your social totalitarian tactics

          • Siren

            That’s odd … If there were more of you than of us, gay marriage wouldn’t be spreading like wildfire through the states. When people like you finally die off the country will be a much better place :)

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            “When people like you finally die off the country will be a much better place”, and she even put a “smiley face” at the end of her sentence…wow, can we just turn that “siren” off already?

            For someone that believes in spreading “love and equality” like “wildfires”, you are spewing some serious hate!!! The hypocrisy of it all…..

          • Siren

            Who said anything about spreading love? Do you need a reading comprehension class?

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            My bad…you’re just a loud mouth, wanting to argue the point of your political affiliation. No one cares, so shut up already!

          • 1bimbo

            let her keep talking.. people need to see what a real progressive sounds like

          • Siren

            Brandy seems to have the need for people with a differing opinion to shut up. It isn’t going to happen you backwoods trashbag :)

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Backwoods trashbag? Girl, I have more class in my little finger than you have in your entire body. You’re just making yourself look like a fool with your name calling and finger pointing. Are you still in high school?

          • Siren

            Definitely classy to have two illegitimate kids and go gold digging on eHarmony. Clearly you didn’t dig that deep lmao.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I had one child when I was 18 out of “wedlock” and the other one when I was married. Gold digging on eHarmony? My husband would disagree, he’s successful but definitely not wealthy. He’s just a good guy that loves me and my illegitimate kiddos!

            I’ve actually made my own way in life and am proud that both of my kids are now in college. I’m glad you’re doing your research on me. What is your story, other than being a loud mouthed, overly opinionated, condescending, judgmental, stalker?

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Here’s the high and mighty “Siren” who likes to trash talk your town. One thing that most people do have in common here, is a love for their city. Make sure you all send Jennifer John (aka Siren) some love:

          • Siren

            If I were hiding I wouldn’t have an avatar. New Braunfels is a dive and you belong in it.

          • 1bimbo

            don’t kid yourself.. we have children and even whole families right here in the lone star state who believe the same way we do about protecting religious liberty and pushing back against immorality.. all the ‘wildfire’ you talk about was ignited by social activist judges who ruled against the constitution.. the forced homosexual ‘marriage’ declarations are not the will of the people, and for the same reason abortion has been rolled back, the homosexuality advocacy agenda will be rolled back too in favor of religious freedom and honoring the constitution..

          • Siren

            You really are a low rent hillbilly cunt. Like it or not abortion is here to stay and pretty soon gay marriage will be in every single state. All of your uneducated backwoods rants will never stop societal progression.

          • 1bimbo

            you keep thinking that, mamacita.. the lone star state keeps getting redder and redder and there’s nothing you can do about it

          • Siren

            That is actually statistically untrue. As more and more of us move here from California and continue to pay cash for houses in this state, things will continue to progress. I am not Mexican by the way, but you are in fact low class Texas white trash.

          • 1bimbo

            we’ve been hearing that ‘californians are gonna change texas’ schtick since the 90s.. hasn’t happened.. californians are typically texanized in a year

          • Siren

            If by Texanized you mean fucking your sister and living in a trailer I would rethink that. Most of us don’t even want to admit we live in this state. But then again I am living like a king so …

          • 1bimbo

            ‘living like a king’ yet slummin’ in texas.. it must kill you to work for conservatives all day in the lone star state

          • Siren

            I actually work for a very Liberal corporation that is based in Los Angeles. Try again. And yes, Texas is slumming it but looking down on people like you has always been somewhat fun for people like me.

          • 1bimbo

            well this just about says it all, doesn’t it:

            ‘Texas is slumming it but looking down on people like you has always been somewhat fun for people like me.’ -siren the californian, oct. 28, 2014

          • Siren

            I look down on redneck trash the same way you look down on gays :)

          • 1bimbo

            here in the lone star state-homosexuals are in our families, at our jobs, and even in our churches .. they are typically private respectful people who aren’t in your face or socially inappropriate… unfortunately there is a rowdy rude and liberty-challenged group of them who are doing everything in their power to silence and discriminate against christians as well as recruit and indoctrinate children with a sex centric notion of being.. they. need. to. be. stopped

          • Siren

            Yes because Christianity hasn’t been spread by force throughout the centuries. Idiots like you aren’t even educated on the history of the religion you follow. People like you need to stop going door to door with a Bible.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Her name is actually Jennifer John. She proudly identifies herself on Chase Cochran’s profile.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            That’s great! She’s gonna continue to preach equality, but call names and spew hate….hypocrisy!

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Maybe you & Chase Cochran share the same IP address? East Texas…explains a lot!

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I don’t watch Fox News and I’m not a “neo conservative”, just FYI. Calm down there lady and pick a side. Can you comment without posting pictures?

          • Bandara Carlos

            You’re actually taking this post out of context was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek
            poking fun at conservatives.

          • 1bimbo

            and don’t forget to mention how your daughters will lose their religious liberties for voting for democrat homosexuality advocates

          • Bandara Carlos

            YOU forgot some Bob McDonnell, Scott Walker, Nathan Deal, Chris Christie and
            Rick Perry all Republican Rat Pack, coming to Prison near you in Technicolor.

          • 1bimbo

            keep your looneyliberal wetdreams to yourself

  • Brandi Usher Wright

    Several people commenting here are members of the Moms of NB “Unsensored” group. I think it’s disgusting that a “city official” is not only a member of this group, but also an avid commenter. This group of “uncensored” women, promote bullying. They harass specific people for having an opinion. If you want “equality”, why would you support a group of trash talking women who use profanity so publicly? Aja Edwards wants to promote a “harmonious” city with equality for all, but is a “proud” member of the Moms of New Braunfels Unsensored group. You put down a group that doesn’t agree with your city council “agenda”, but are openly accepted into a group that bullies others…the SAME issue that you are trying to save the LGBT community. You’re not the victim here!

    • Brandi Usher Wright

      I also may be a “conservative”, but I support equality! I do not wish ANYONE in this community to be bullied or harassed for their beliefs. Their are many great things happening in this town to be proud of. We should all get along and be able to express our views without being chastised or “hated”.

      • Bandara Carlos

        I understand your point of view. I used to be a middle-of-the-road Texas conservative
        unfortunately Republicans have moved so far to the extreme right that anything
        representing Sanity looks extremely liberal.

    • 1bimbo

      the hypocrisy of the left is deafening.. homosexuality advocates are typically intolerant of others.. lgbtq=the new buillies

      • Bandara Carlos

        Republicans or Democrats do not have a corner on hate. You will have to look
        in the mirror for yourself.

    • Chase Cochran

      I’m not seeing Aja Edwards anywhere in this screen shot. Where is your one showing where she, specifically as you have accused her of, is “spewing hate, bullying and harassing anyone”? If you’re going to accuse someone so vehemently of something, you need proof.

      • Brandi Usher Wright

        Chase Cochran, a name I’ve become familiar with. You were very proactive in the “moms groups”, aren’t you? Weren’t you the one who “broke” this story and called specific people out? You seem to misconstrue words completely. What exactly is your relationship with Aja Edwards, considering you seem to be constantly defending her? I think she can hold her own and you can pipe down a little. I did not say Aja was spewing hate or bullying anyone. I said that she was a member of a spin off Mom’s group where they condone that type of behavior! In my opinion, a “councilwoman” should be using her time more proactively and fulfilling her duties that she was elected to do, rather than start controversy on social media.

        • Chase Cochran

          Here ya go:

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            You’re classless, Chase Cochran for even posting that. How did you obtain this information when you weren’t a member of the group? That is a private political group of moms in NB who had every right to express their opinions. Again, what is your relationship with Aja to be so quick to defend her? She’s a politician and can handle herself. You need a life!

          • Chase Cochran

            I like how you edited your post to delete the line where you asked for proof of the posting, after I posted I the proof you asked for. You’re a real winner.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Who cares if I “edited” it or not…you’re STILL “classless” for posting Michele’s comments made in a private social media group and have also neglected to answer any questions I asked: What is your relationship with Aja Edwards? How did you obtain this information from a “moms” group?

            No, Cochran, you’re the real winner here!

          • Chase Cochran

            And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of this thread. When a woman openly admits that she edited out her demand that I provide proof, AFTER I provided the proof she demanded, speaks volumes. It’s sad that completely ignorant people like Brandi, AKA 1bimbo (you should mask your IP address, stupid) are the ones who vote. Uninformed, hate-filled ignorant folks like Brandi/1bimbo here are why why have what we have in government, at all levels. You, madame, are an idiot.

            p.s.- Anyone who is familiar with my publication, the TX Citizen, as Brandi/1bimbo obviously is (probably a closeted uber-fan), knows that we’ve taken Aja to task on many of her votes. This was the first time we “defended” her, as Brandi/1bimbo loves to say. We’ve publicly shamed Aja more than once. But Brandi/1bimbo fails to mention that, doesn’t she?

            p.p.s- Facebook is NOT private. There’s no such thing as a “private social media page”. That’s an oxymoron. I run a newspaper. People send us leads for stories. Lot’s of folks know how to take screen shots, Brandi/1bimbo, not just me. Get over yourself.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Why do you keep referring to me and 1bimbo as the “same”? I have no idea who that even is and my views are clearly different. I doubt many are familiar with your “publications” Chase so don’t flatter yourself. You’re not that big of a deal. You still did not say how you obtained the information that Michele posted, but we can assume that it was from your wife or Aja. I’ve heard that you share an office with the city councilwoman? None of your tangents or even worth a reply, but I can assure you that 1bimbo and I do not share an iP address and unless someone is using my computer remotely, I doubt that’s even possible. I have no problem whatsoever showing my real identity. Now, this thread is officially over. I refuse to argue with stupid. Stay classy Chase Cochran…stay classy!

          • Chase Cochran

            Trust me, you’ve definitely showed your “real identity”, there’s no doubt about that.

          • 1bimbo

            paranoia will destroya

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I still haven’t figured out your identity…who are you anyway? I think you actually believe you’re a bigger deal than you really are. I think you’re a classless “jackass” who likes to stalk mom groups on social media.

          • Chase Cochran

            We’re a big enough deal for several prominent news organizations in Texas to pick up our articles. And if you can’t simply click on my name, or do a Google search, to figure out who I am, then I feel sorry for you.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Ha! If you were even half as “big of deal” as you “think” you are, you wouldn’t have to be promoting your “articles” on your personal FB page, encouraging everyone to read the comments. Oh and by the way, the only Chase Cochran that google recognizes, plays football for the Ohio Bobcats…I doubt you know anything about Sports so it’s fair to say that’s not you. I hate to disappoint you, but you’re article isn’t even that good. It’s just a controversial topic that I’m sure a first grader could have written. Get over yourself Chase Cochran!

            If you want to know who Chase Cochran is, here’s what Google search has shown:

          • 1bimbo

            because when they start losing the argument and for whatever reason fixate on the fact there is more than one person who doesn’t agree with them, then they lie.. it’s what looneyliberal progressives do.. they lie

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Delusional liars at that. I just witnessed how easy it is for them to make up something ridiculous about anyone and run with it, claiming “victory”. This guy is now just making up anything to avoid my questions.

          • Chase Cochran

            Didn’t you just say “Now, this thread is officially over. I refuse to argue with stupid.”

            How’s that working out for you?

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Stupid come back…really, is that your best answer?

          • Aja Edwards

            I didn’t provide him with the screen shot. The TX Citizen rents office space from my old company, but I haven’t been there since July.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Guess I’m next to get an “article” written about me based on my opinion. I think it’s been well documented that I support equality and am far from homophobic, so….what exactly has struck your nerve Chase? Is it because I don’t think you’re a big deal? I may have asked for your proof, but you still have not explained how you were able to obtain this “screenshot” from a private MOMS FB page.

          • Chase Cochran

            We’ll make you famous…

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Ha! You promise? I’d love to be as big of deal as you are.

          • Chase Cochran

            She says she’s done with me, but yet keeps on posting more & more replies. I’m actually kind of flattered. I guess I am a “big deal”, at least in Brandi’s eyes. Love you too, Brandi, although you’re not really my type.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I keep thinking that I’m done with you, but I’ve been home sick for a few days and you are definitely keeping me entertained. It’s just too easy! I’d hate to know what you’re “type” actually is. I’m also flattered that I’m at least “not”. Okay, Chase, you can have the last word if you really want it.

          • Chase Cochran


  • Guest

    These are some of the comments in the “uncensored” group. Show some love for the harasses!

  • 1bimbo

    guaranteed that all lesbian issues eventually devolve into judgmental attacks, petty jealousy or vicious misandry.. that’s no lie

    • Siren

      So they end up like all Conservative attacks?

  • Chip70

    It’s awesome what this council woman is going. She is at the perfect level of government, to help a group of kids/families who might need/want help. And she has personal experience to understand that help is needed in NB. …. The rest of the story is just “noise” from “Mean Girls” who write in burn books.

    • Brandi Usher Wright

      It’s not “mean girls”…it’s strong, political minded women in the community who would like her to get off of FB and focus on the issues she was elected to do. She has personal experience with many other issues other than just her sexuality!

      • Chip70

        Ok.. But I didn’t see where she signed up for where every waking minute of her life is to do your bidding, as your personal councilwoman… Perhaps, she’s also working for the lgbt community of NB. Maybe when someone in NB voted for her, they voted that THIS IS the issue they were electing her for…. Or, maybe shes doing this on her own time.. Regardless. You don’t own Facebook. Stop being a Mean Girl.

  • Chip70

    Wow. It’s awesome what this council woman is trying to do. She has 1st hand experience, and wants to see if she can help a group if people in her community. I’m not sure why a post on Facebook warrants the pitchforks to come out, but I hope it doesn’t stop her in her cause.

    • 1bimbo

      we’re learning very quickly that the cause of the sexually-disordered is to censor christians.. not very noble is it

      • Guest

        1bimbo : You really think discrimination is Christian? Not in my religious group. You still have that white pointed hat? I’m really glad to laugh out loud now.

      • Bandara Carlos

        1bimbo? You really think Discrimination is Christian? Not in my religious group! You still have that white pointed hat? I’m really glad to laugh out loud now.

        • Brandi Usher Wright

          That works both ways…there are A LOT of many loud mouth, angry Liberals, including most of you on this thread!

          • 1bimbo

            and don’t forget the liberal woman who runs houston

          • Bandara Carlos

            Republicans or Democrats do not have a corner on hate. You will have to look
            in the mirror for yourself.

      • Chip70

        Leading your comment with inherited bigotry “sexually-disorder” negates your claim of censor ship. It’s sort of like complaining cause you want to call someone a jerk, but then get detention for picking a fight. Why not just let gays be gay? Go live your own life –

        • 1bimbo

          me using the phrase ‘sexually-disordered’ is the epitome of free speech.. your meager attempt to conflate someone ‘picking a fight’ with someone expressing their opinion about homosexuality advocates is more politically-correct bullsh*t meant to try to silence views that you don’t agree with.. which brings us full circle-one of the goals of the sexually-disordered who are politically active is to silence christians

          • Chip70

            Lol. Well you said it. Your logic is circular. Christians feel it’s their place to tell non Christians how to live their lives., that’s what your saying. When your told that the non Christian doesn’t want to hear it… Y’all get upset. Might want to look at your dwindling numbers in the flock to realize… This avenue of finding a “boogiemam” to put fear into peopke to join, isn’t working…. But don’t throw up smoke to distract from what best work this councilwoman us going to do /is doing.

          • 1bimbo

            this woman defines herself by her sexuality/sexual orientation.. if a heterosexual woman defined her entire political narrative on her husband, how much she loves her husband, and how much she will help other little girls be comfortable finding loving husbands, it would be outright ‘sexism’.. this opinion piece leads me to believe that edwards is not a steward of taxpayer money as is a civil servants duty, but instead a fledgling social activist who is on the road to pulling an annise parker on the city of new braunfels.. new braunfels voters would be smart to put her out on her ear next election

          • Chip70

            Oh.. So now your gonna comment on the council woman… Lol. The best part is how your lead to believe something,, when the article makes no mention of what your lead to believe. Perhaps that a pattern?

          • 1bimbo

            did you even read the article?

            ‘…..As a council member, Edwards serves on a mental health task force
            with representatives from 30 agencies. She asked at a recent meeting
            whether any offer LGBT-specific mental health services, but none said
            they do.

            Edwards said she’s found a local counselor who’s volunteered to help
            LGBT youth identified through the Facebook group, and a bar in town has
            agreed to host an LGBT mixer. She is even considering introducing a
            nondiscrimination ordinance at City Council and trying to extend
            domestic partner benefits to city employees.

            She said she regularly brings her partner, Crystal Herrera, to City
            Council and Chamber of Commerce functions, and she plans to run for
            re-election in the spring of 2016…..’

          • Chip70

            im not sure you’ve made your earlier point, with this one. She’s found a counselor and a place who will work for free. Show us another politician who has provided anything to their constituents….. And provided it at zero cost. Why are you so desperately trying to rain on what good work this woman is doing? (That’s retorical… I’ know the reason why)

          • Aja Edwards

            I actually don’t like labels or definitions on people. I’ve served on Council for over a year and a half and I believe my record shows that I have been a good steward of taxpayer money. I’m not sure if you live in town, but if you do, I welcome you to attend a City Council meeting to get info firsthand. You can also watch the meetings online at

          • 1bimbo

            passive-aggressive doesn’t work on strong-willed conservative women which is dang near half the lone star state.. the homosexuality advocacy agenda attempts to emasculate boys, silence christians and compell them to violate their religious tenets and the lbgtq movement promotes age-inappropriate sex-centric education for children.. new braunfels was asleep when you got elected.. you better believe the press you’re getting now will wake them up

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            Wait, how come Aja, Chase & Chip70 all have the same iP address? Are y’all all sharing the same office and the same computer? Chase has liked every single one of your comments. Seems like border line obsession to me.

          • Aja Edwards

            I have no clue about iP addresses. I’m on my personal laptop. We do not share an office either. Idk who Chip is.

        • Bandara Carlos

          You’re right! I’ve been trying to make a point the hard way.

          Simplicity is the best solution thank you.

  • Aja Edwards

    Brandi, I agree with much of what you are saying. I don’t support generalities that everyone in a certain group is a B. The original creator of MONB is a wonderful woman who I am happy to call a friend. She allowed me to stay a part of the group after my divorce because she saw how involved I was still with my step-kids. I posted my original post in MONB because I know what a reach it has, and I was trying to reach as many people as I could who might want to be a part of our group. I also post city council items in there because so many women in town read that page. Is there drama in there? Of course. But there’s also a lot of good that comes from that page! Same thing goes for MONBU, and the other spin-offs. When you get a large collection of people in any one group, there will be all sorts of people and all sorts of opinions. My intent was not to create chaos or drama, it was to start a support system for people who need it. That’s all. It got attention because of the negativity thrown at me. Had there not been calls for my head, then I doubt there would have been any attention from the media. As for it being my number 1 agenda, that is inaccurate. In fact, there are very few things that city council has control over regarding equality. I am still very committed to the city as a whole and my district. Brandi you mentioned you live in SB, which is my district. I worked very hard with the Snider family to make SB safer for the kids there. I hope that if you have any issues you”d like me to address, that you will reach out to me as many people do. City Council is not a full time job (although sometimes it feels like it!). I still volunteer with various organizations around town. This is just another cause of people helping people. Thank you to the supporters on here!

    • 1bimbo

      budgets, water plants, wastewater plants, potholes and plats just aren’t sexy enough for some people i gather.. a city councilwoman’s job doesn’t involve exacting social justice on people.. as a priority, a municipal civil servant has a duty to manage taxpayer money while maintaining and managing city infrastructure and potential development.. social activism has no place in a municipality.. that’s why houston’s mayor annise parker is in so much hot water.. that’s why christians are being discriminated against in municipalities in metros in texas because those city’s passed ordinances blocking the employment of people who take a moral or religious stance against homosexuality advocacy.. you better believe there will be blowback from our state legislature on unconstitutional city ordinances like the ‘bathroom bills’ as well as discrimination ordinances which target faith and lawsuits which suppress and attack religious liberty

      most importantly, new braunfels citizens should be very concerned that a social activist is attempting to use a municipal platform to reach their children with propaganda about sexuality and sexual orientation.

    • Brandi Usher Wright

      Aja, I don’t think you had ulterior motives in your intentions and I do believe that you were trying to bring up a topic that you are passionate about…I get that, but if someone has a different opinion and is not ready to “support” the LGBT community YET, they should not be chastised. From a personal perspective, it took me some time to be accepting and understand what the LGBT community consisted of. I was raised by strong, Southern, Christian women who taught me all of my morals and values. Those values are apart of who I am. I was a teenage mother, a single mom who overcame adversity for 12 years. I’ve been judged, discriminated against and branded a “winner” as your friend, Chase Cochran referred to me as. Those life lessons are also apart of me and who I am. Now, I have a 22 year old son who is a care free, hippie, living a simple a life in Austin (ironically his name is also Chase) and a 19 year old daughter who is a Sophomore Musical Theater major in a very competitive college program. My kids are the reason I became so much more accepting of the LGBT community. Yes, I’m a Christian and I’m Conservative, but I do believe in equality and that being “homosexual” is not a choice. I have watched my friends of my kids struggle with their sexuality and some have been ridiculed by churches, which absolutely disgusts me. As a Christian, we are NOT to judge others- ONLY GOD can do that, we are to LOVE just as Christ did and that is what I hope to make people understand. It took me some time to accept that God did in fact make us all the same and that “sin” is not apart of this equation, but not all people are ready to accept it and to me, it seems like the LGBT community continues to make a statement like “we’re here, deal with it…we want our rights and we’re going to get them”. The Houston mayor in my hometown is trying to pass an ordinance on public restrooms- it’s just too much, too fast! Instead of creating support groups for the LGBT youth in our community, I would focus on educating the adults on how to be more accepting, the way I had to become. The kids, the new millennial generation are way more accepting, trust me. Let our kids be kids and figure out who they are and when they do, let’s educate their parents, adults on how to be “accepting”, but in the meantime, be considerate of the ones who need to take “baby steps” in this process. I am the most passionate about my faith and if I can be accepting, society as a whole can become that way too, as long as they’re not “forced” to do so. Being supportive of your issues also does not mean that your supporters should be so confrontational with others who object. Thank you for the response.

      • Aja Edwards

        I haven’t chastised anyone. I believe in MLK’s stance of “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I try to respond to everyone with respect and tolerance in my heart. I cannot control the actions of others. I am not forcing anyone to join the group or do anything else that would be against their beliefs. It is anyone’s choice to join or not join, support or not support.

        • Brandi Usher Wright

          This isn’t just as “black and white” as you are making it out to be, but I wish you the best of luck.

          • Aja Edwards

            Thank you Brandi. If you’d ever like to meet for a cup of coffee, I’d be happy to meet with you one-on-one to discuss more.

          • Brandi Usher Wright

            I think that would be great, Aja. Have a great day.