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Archive for April, 2011

Clean Natural Gas is a Lie

Well of course it’s a lie. It’s a euphemism for “Not as dirty as the dirtiest thing there is.” Even “Relatively cleaner,” would be a lie. “Less dirty” does not mean “clean”. “Less black” does not mean “white”, and “less evil” does not mean “good,” unless you are a mealy-mouthed apologist waiting for a corporate handout from an industry you otherwise consider corrupt and dishonest.

It’s just a dirty (not “less clean”) tactic of a filthy industry.

Beyond that, here’s news about how truly dirty natural gas is:

According to Newswise:

Extracting natural gas from the Marcellus Shale could do more to aggravate global warming than mining coal, according to a Cornell study published in the May issue of the peer-reviewed journal Climatic Change Letters.

I expect that the typical disingenuous arguments will be made against this study, such as, “There’s no such thing as global warming. It’s all a liberal conspiracy – the space aliens in my attic told me so,” etc.

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Petition to Prohibit Heavy Industry in the Town of Otego

The Concerned Citizens of Otego have drafted a petition to prohibit heavy industry, like that of gas drilling, in the Town of Otego. Here is the wording:

We, the undersigned, request the Otego Town Board to pass legislation prohibiting heavy industry in the town of Otego (including hydraulic fracturing for natural gas).

Our concerns include the protection of health, resources, property values, traditional businesses, and the natural beauty of our community.

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to pass an ordinance to prohibit heavy industry in our community.

If you are a resident of the Town of Otego (which includes the Village of Otego), please sign the petition.

(Wait for it to load – it could take a few seconds.)

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Is Drilling for Natural Gas Good for your Community?

This information was put together by the Concerned Citizens of Otego. You can download it as a tri-fold brochure by right-clicking on “Effects of Natural Gas Drilling.”

Otego Before and after Horizontal Fracking for Natural Gas?

Otego before and after horizontal fracking for natural gas?

Click Here to Sign the petition against Drilling for Natural Gas in Otego


How will natural gas drilling affect my health?

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