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Archive for September, 2010




Wednesday, September 8, 2010

5:00 to 6:00 p.m.

in front of the County Office Building, 111 Main St.

as the Delaware County Board of Supervisors arrive for their monthly meeting.

JOIN US! an ad hoc group of Delaware County residents

who rally in Delhi to ask…..

Gas Drilling?

Who REALLY Wins? Who REALLY Loses?

  • JOIN US! if you are one of the majority of NEW YORKERS (53% in a recent Cornell University poll) who now see MORE RISK THAN REVENUE in the Gas Drilling Scam!
  • JOIN US! if you are concerned about the wanton carelessness of a drilling industry that reneges on its promises to communities while it spills and contaminates across the country!
  • JOIN US! if you think the tax payer will be left to live with TOXIC WASTE, AIR & WATER POLLUTION, ILLNESS.
  • JOIN US! if you are concerned that while A VERY FEW will profit, THE REST OF US will lose our way of life and be in debt for the mess the drillers will leave us!
  • JOIN US! if you are concerned that our County Board of Supervisors supports drilling – WITHOUT HEARING BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE!
  • JOIN US! to demand that time be allotted for Delaware County Citizens to be heard at all Delaware County Supervisors’ meetings!
  • JOIN US! if you want your voice to be heard.

There will be a microphone & loudspeaker available.

Anyone wishing to speak may do so for 2 minutes.


Sponsored by:

The Sept. 8 Rally & Protest Committee

  • ANDES:  Judy Garrison;  BOVINA: Heidi Gogins,  Michael Gogins;
  • COLCHESTER: Caroline Martin, Deborah Rivers; DAVENPORT: Eleanor Moriarty;
  • DEPOSIT:  Kathleen Livington, Stan Salthe;
  • DELHI:  Faiga Brussel,  Nancy Fales Garrett,  Jessica Vecchione;
  • FRANKLIN:  Fokish Farm (Katarina Isaksson & Hank Stahler), Carole Marner, Gene Marner, Carolyn C. Pierson, Walter Putrycz, Ellen Sokolow;
  • HAMDEN:  Leslie Albaugh,  Nick Albaugh, Judith Lamb, Robert Reiter,  Linda Stephan;
  • HANCOCK:  Jannette Barth,  Dolores Bentham,  Beat Keerl,  Talia Lugacy,  Tom Noonan,
  • HARPERSFIELD: Louise von Brockdorff
  • KORTRIGHT: Carl Arnold;   MASONVILLE:  Kathleen Klopchin;
  • MEREDITH:  Harry Barnes,  Amy Weiss Friedman, Muffy McDowell, John Ryan, Kate Ryan, Joan Tubridy, Marguerite Uhlmann-Bower,  Aldine Weiss;
  • TOMPKINS: Linda Daly, Tom Daly, Steve Dungan;
  • WALTON: Dave Baker, Naomi Fisch, Deborah Hunt, Stony Creek Farm (Dan & Kate Marsiglio)

3 responses so far

Fracking for Economic Development

Fracking for Economic Development Poster

No responses yet

Natural Gas Fracking in Pennsylvania on CBS News

Natural Gas Fracking in Pennsylvania

From CBS Evening News with Katie Couric on Natural Gas Fracking in Pennsylvania

“You can’t live like this – it’s so stressful every single day.”

Homeowner Stephanie Hallowich is like many in western Pennsylvania who have watched theHomeowner Stephanie Hallowich is like many in western Pennsylvania who have watched their once-pristine neighborhood become an industrial site. Sprawling plants with flares that reach high into the night, noxious smells, trucks, and containment ponds with unknown chemicals are among the complaints of people who live in areas where natural gas companies have descended.

Hallowich believes three natural gas-drilling operations bordering her property turned her well-water black, forcing her to purchase a tank of fresh water every month. ir once-pristine neighborhood become an industrial site. Sprawling plants with flares that reach high into the night, noxious smells, trucks, and containment ponds with unknown chemicals are among the complaints of people who live in areas where natural gas companies have descended.

Watch the video and read the full article at Natural Gas Fracking in Pennsylvania

2 responses so far