Texas on the Potomac

Washington news with a Texas accent

The Brothers Castro to be Dem speakers at Gridiron winter dinner

Julian Castro (left), and his brother Joaquin at the Democratic National Convention in 2012. (Reuters)

Julian  (left) and Joaquin Castro at the Democratic National Convention in 2012. (Reuters)

Getting two politicians to share one microphone? Good luck with that.

The Democratic speaker at the Gridiron Club’s winter dinner this year is actually two speakers _ HUD Secretary Julian Castro and his identical twin brother, U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro.
The high-flying San Antonio brothers will be cracking jokes Dec. 6 at the venerable club’s winter wingding, a more low-key affair than the spring dinner _ which is often attended by the President and is always a major event on the political calendar.
The Gridiron consists of 60 active members of the Washington media. Speakers are selected from both the Democratic and Republican parties.
The club hasn’t yet announced the identity of the Republican speaker for the winter dinner.

Last year’s winter dinner speakers were Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and former Utah governor and Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman.

The brothers have some off-Broadway  experience at hamming it up with journalists _ at the San Antonio Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists’ “Gridiron” charity dinner. Here’s a video presented at last year’s San Antonio event.

Categories: General
David McCumber, Washington Bureau Chief

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