Texas on the Potomac

Washington news with a Texas accent

Ginsburg announces, corrects error in Texas voter ID law dissent


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Supreme Court photo)

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Supreme Court photo)

In a rare move Wednesday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg announced a correction to a factual error in her dissent of the court’s decision to allow Texas to implement its voter ID law in time for the midterm elections.

Corrections and additions to Supreme Court decisions happen relatively frequently, with some orders producing pages of additions or modifications. But this is thought to be the first time a justice has announced a personal error.

In an email to the press, the court announced that “page 4 of the dissent contained an error. Photo identification cards issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Texas Secretary of State’s office confirmed, are an acceptable form of photo identification for voting in Texas. Accordingly, the Justice deleted the following sentence from the dissent: ‘Nor will Texas accept photo ID cards issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs.’ There are also small stylistic changes on pages 2 and 4.”

The Texas law requires voters who arrive at the polls to present a photo ID, which can be a driver’s license, passport, concealed carry gun permit, military ID, citizenship certificate or an ID specially issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

On Oct. 9, U.S. District Court Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos struck down the law, calling it “draconian” and that it was adopted “with an unconstitutional discriminatory purpose.”

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled Ramos on Tuesday on grounds that the decision was made too close to an election and, as Judge Edith Brown Clement wrote, “substantially disturbs the election process of the state of Texas.”

In her seven-page dissent was released at 5:05 a.m. Saturday along with the court’s decision, Ginsburg argued that there is “little risk” the District Court’s injunction would disrupt the electoral process.

Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan joined with the dissent.

Categories: General
Connor Radnovich