We got DOWN With the Global Frackdown

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The Global Frackdown was a series of more than 300 coordinated events around the world calling for a ban on this destructive and dangerous drilling technique. By all accounts, the weekend of action was a big success!

Environmental Action helped kick off the events a day early in Washington, D.C. Last Friday I met up with fracktivists from Pennsylvania, nurses, and other allies, to demand that the the EPA either come clean about the dangers of fracking, or drink the water fracking has polluted.

Here's a quick video re-cap of that event (thanks to our friends at Food & Water Watch for compiling):

The #FrackWaterChallenge, as we called our event, was just one example of connecting impacted communities to the politicians and bureaucrats who have, so far, failed to protect our health and the health of the planet. Check out lots more of the photos, videos and stories from all over the world:

But one weekend of events, even ones as fun and good looking as all these, won't be enough to stop fracking. To truly ban fracking we need to keep pushing the EPA, FERC, as well as lawmakers like Governors Martin O'Malley and Andrew Cuomo, and President Obama to admit what we know to be true: There's nothing natural about fracked gas, and there's no safe way to frack our planet. The only rational step is to leave these fossil fuels in the ground and focus on truly clean alternatives like wind and solar power.

With your help, people are hearing our message from sea to shining sea, and at a lot of fracking wells, capitals, and offices in between. Thanks!