President Obama's Clean Power Plan

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13 of the 14 hottest years in U.S. history have been in the 21st century. More than 80% of California is in extreme drought, and this summer, wildfires burned more than 9.3 million U.S. acres.

Scientists predict that by 2010, Boston's climate will feel closer to Miami Beach, FL and Phoenix, AZ, will be like Kuwait City (HOT). Fill in your city below to see what it will feel like where you live in 2100.

Power plants make up 32% of the United State's greenhouse gas emissions and coal fired power plants are by far the largest contributors. A federal global warming law would be the best way regulate greenhouse gas emissions, but it's next to impossible with congress in a political deadlock.

President Obama has proposed that the Environmental Protection Agency cut carbon pollution from the nation’s power plants 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. Right now, this is our best opportunity to curb greenhouse gas emissions. However, big oil funded groups like the America Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) are already working to undermine these EPA regulations and a host of conservative, climate-denying elected officials are only too-happy to help them. The EPA will collect public comments on the proposed rule until December 1st, 2014. If enough of us come together, this is our best opportunity to make these regulations stronger, and ensure they are enacted.
In the coming weeks, we'll be working with on the ground efforts to help collect tens of thousands of public comments in support of stronger regulations that curb our greenhouse gas emissions. You can submit a public comment here in support of regulating global warming pollution from power plants.