National Fracking Radio?

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It's pledge drive season. If you're like me, and you've been listening to NPR frequently, I'm sure you've heard the local stations interrupting your favorite shows to ask you to support public radio. That's because local stations are funded by people like you and me. However, the National Public Radio office is funded by frackers.

For months we've been calling, emailing, and sharing petitions. We've aired our own ads, delivered the message in person and even broadcast a pirate radio show on NPR's doorstep. Our campaign has five times as many Facebook fans as All Things Considered does, for goodness sake! And yet, money still talks louder than people on public radio. What the frack is up with that?

If you're still pissed that NPR is airing pro-fracking ads, sign and share this updated petition. Make sure to personalize your petition signature by calling on your local station to stop airing ANGA's ads.

We need to act again right now. Why? Well, I have a plan to go back to NPR right at the end of this pledge drive, and this time we want to bring our friends from the Beyond Extreme Energy action.

Together, we're planning to make a stand on NPR's doorstep as part of a week of actions to highlight fracking's disastrous impacts on our communities, climate and planet. And there's a super-secret plan to pressure dozens of local stations at the same time. I can't tell you about it on email, or all the local stations will freak out. But suffice it to say, we're going to use our collective reach to disrupt the frackers ability to buy their way into the public debate.

But to make it all work, we need your support again. Even if you've signed before, add your name here to tell NPR "No fracking on Public Radio!" And this time please make sure to personalize your petition to call on your local station to stop airing ANGA pro-fracking ads. Together, we'll deliver dozens of messages to Public Radio Stations from coast to coast and shut down the plan to frack our civic debate.