What’s New?

Updated information on stress is now available!

  • We are pleased to announce a new program, Take Steps to Health. The foundation of Take Steps to Health is The Lifestyle Suite©, an evidence-based health promotion program based on your readiness to change (www.prochange.com). If you are an adult interested in improving your health, click here, to sign up for this free program.
  • How stressed are you? Take this simple test to find out!
  • Are you stressed? Here are some quick suggestions to help you “de-stress”

Simple relaxation techniques

Apps to help you unwind and relax

Managing Stress

A new article, “Understanding Exposure from Natural Gas Drilling puts Current Air Standards to the Test”, written by EHP’s public health experts, has just been published in the journal Reviews on Environmental Health. It shows that current methods of emissions data collection and analysis fail to accurately assess health risks. Click on the title to view the article and check out the PRESS page for reviews.

New Free Service! – Speck Air Monitoring

EHP now provides Speck Air Monitors free of charge for 2-4 weeks to monitor air inside individual homes!  Within 3 weeks, EHP will provide a report to the resident with the results and interpretation of the data, and recommendations for protecting health if contamination is a concern.  Click here for Details.

Recommended Indoor Air Filter

Experts consulted by EHP recommend the Austin Air 400 air filter for people who are concerned about their indoor air.  For a limited time you can buy this filter at a discount by going to Austin Air 400 and entering the coupon code – “ca400″ – when you check out.  See our Air Page for more information.

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Contact Us

For More Information please contact:

Raina Rippel, Director
SWPA Environmental Health Project
4198 Washington Road Suite 5,
McMurray, PA 15317

Open Monday — Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.