Whitt's End: 9.23.11

Categories: Whitt's End

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Whether you've reached the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End:

*Doomsday scenario for Monday Night Football: Quarterback Jon Kitna. Running back DeMarco Murray. Receivers Kevin Ogletree, Jesse Holley and Dwayne Harris. Center Kevin Kowalski. Left guard Bill Nagy. Ouch indeed.

*With the Angels' loss to the Blue Jays in 12 innings last night, the Rangers can clinch the AL West tonight with a win over the Mariners and an Anaheim loss to Oakland. As has been the case since mid-August, it's just a matter of when, not if. Tigers also lost to the Orioles, so we're dead even in race for 2nd-best record in AL. Detroit has tie-breaker edge over Texas, so Rangers need to finish ahead of the Tigers to avoid the Yankees in the ALDS.

*Speaking of baseball, it's the most over-celebrating sport on the planet. Saw the Yankees clinch the East the other night and they did the mound dogpile complete with Champagne and goggles and plastic over the lockers in the clubhouse. I'm telling ya, they celebrated more wildly than the Mavericks when they won the NBA championship. Here's hoping the Rangers this weekend act as if clinching the West is a stepping stone, not a destination.

*So Russ Martin is moving to afternoons on 97.1 The Eagle? Sounds like a couple things. Martin's ratings have been very mediocre -- 3.8 over the last three months compared to Kidd Kraddick's 6.1 -- in the mornings, so a move to kick-start things makes sense. I also hear it may be part of The Eagle's grand plan to dump music and go all-talk in the mold of the old Live 105.3 or Free FM. Dan O'Malley is a talented, hard-working, great dude on that show. Otherwise, yawn.

*Jason Garrett is all "football" and "process". But when he goes to the movies the dude gets crazy. He told me and Greggo on his weekly show Wednesday that he gets a large popcorn, dumps into it a box of Milk Duds, a bag of Sour Patch Kids and digs in <>. Mixed all together? Yep. Yuck.



*Michael Young = Rangers' MVP. Well, isn't he?

*It's not a three-alarm fire as so far this season Dez Bryant hasn't made any negative headlines. (I hear there was a verbal skirmish with his live-in girlfriend after a pre-season game and I keep getting reports that he frequents night clubs until closing time, but no biggies.) But I hear he's now estranged from long-time mentor and father figure David Wells. Last year Bryant, who grew up without a close relationship to his biological father, lived with Wells in Desoto. Recently, however, he moved to Dallas into the house previously owned by the mother of former Skyline High School and NBA star Larry Johnson. These days Bryant and Wells rarely speak.

*It's not real politically correct, but it's accurate. I've got my White Truck Wednesday theory, now supplemented by FFF. Next time someone's driving erratically -- other than dangerously excessive speeding -- my research indicates it will be one of the following: Female (Not a man). Foreign (Not an American). Fossil (Not young). Look it up.

*Went to the coming-out party for new NHRA driver Alexis Dejoria at a joint called The Apartment on Oak Lawn the other night. Spiffy gig. Her father, Tequila Patron and Paul Mitchell hair founder John Paul Dejoria, throws quite the bash. Lots of tequila, tons of cleavage, and even I bumped into Most Eligible: Dallas reality star Matt Nordgren.

*I'm hearing Garrett Gilbert is done at the University of Texas. Not just this year in football because of the shoulder injury, but with the school altogether because of overall frustration. He'll apply for a medical redshirt and skeedaddle.

My Voice Nation Help

Surely this means the long anticipated return of "The Mich Show" to Dallas airwaves once again, the brass at Clear Channel needs to make this happen now!

Defective Defectors
Defective Defectors

Breaking News: Aggies lose at home to Big 12 team. Aggies hoping to rid Big 12 teams from schedule in the near future as they are too big and mean.


That news about Gilbert is about a week old. Keep up. He hit high tide in the second half of a losing game in the National Championship and it has been downhill since. Have good lucky fun somewhere else boudreaux. Wish you well.Doomsday scenario=Cowboy's health report. Get off the sick. Dez Bryant's work ethic< snake's belly. Million dollar talent and ten cent brain.Like I give a big rat's ass about what Redheaded Jesus eats at the movies. I expect the Rangers to treat winning the division with the same sort of dismissal as the Mavericks did last year. Been there and done that. Obligatory congratulations and move along.Didn't listen to Russ when he was on 105.3 in its previous incarnation, not tuning into him now.NHRA? whatever.

Josh's broken records
Josh's broken records

The Final Destination is my fave racin movie...in circles instead of a straight line. Goo d times. (I was well into the beara and waiting on the Rangers to celebrate when I posted this)

Chuck G.
Chuck G.

You ran into D-list local douche Matt Nordgren?!! How NON-impressive! Spare 3rd-stringer meets midget, hack writer.


Cheese Bits:

*MNF:  The crappy Cowboys will win and keep the delusionals hopes alive that they'll make the playoffs...logical fans know that won't happen!

**Rangers/Tigers race for home field:  They'll end up tied with the tie-breaker going to the Tigers.  I smell a big let down from Verlander in the playoffs though.  Go ahead, look it up.

***MLB celebrations:  Deal with it, I'd celebrate too!  162 games is a long season so why not celebrate?!

****Russ:  50% meh.  If he were getting JD Ryan back I'd be excited.  The RMS without JD isn't very good (at least in the AM it wasn't).  I'll give it a few listens while the Hardline is talking about shit I don't care about.  I have a feeling it will have better ratings that RAGE though.  If 97.1 goes all talk, who will they get to do mornings?  Jagger?  P&K middays? 

*****FFF:  True.

******Welp, gotta run...my daughter says she doesn't feel good.  I bet the wife put her up to it since I planned on getting completely blitzed while watching the RedShoes tonight.

Cannonball Dunham
Cannonball Dunham

scattershooting while wondering whatever happened to commenter John Cocstocton


Allright folks, it wouldnt be a whitts end without me, now who wants some of this.  Im fresh off a period, been douched and trimmed and ready for some spare ass man meat up in me, kinda like this blog has some spare ass comments on it.  Ill be the one at pool table wearing a shot skirt with no panties, cowboy boots and and a pearl snap shirt.  youll recongnize me by the man laugh of sybs 


RMS returning to afternoon drive means one thing:  !!!  I have a feeling Ritchie Whitt and Greggo Williams will suffer dearly in their beloved ratings war.  Russ is going to destroy RaGE.  Ritchie has more hairs on his head that he does listeners.  Did anyone else hear Greggo claim they get 12,000+ people to come out to their remotes....I think he said this yesterday.  What a douche bag, liar, coke head, junkie, bitch, whore, fuck cunt, slut mouthed, slanty eye, deer turd hugging man.  Is it Greggo's time to pull an Amy Winehouse yet?  Adios mother fucker.


Shout out to the CBS employees making fake names on here that we'll see for about a week and then will disappear. Quickiender:*Cowboys by 6.5?? Bet the house on the Redskins.*Pretty sure you guys celebrate more when you pass up ESPN by tenth of points. Yuck.*Why aren't there more teams in the baseball playoffs anyways? Baseball is NASCAResque at the end of the season. And 5 game divisional series? Yuck.*Gagree with your analogy on O'Malley. Russ is an asshole.*Re:Garrett and movie food--I know a few people that do that. To each his own.*I was really excited when Garrett Gilbert was recruited, and was in denial after the Alabama game. After watching all of last year, he just wasn't a fit for Texas. I do wish him well and success wherever he ends up.*You went to a coming-out party in the Oak Lawn area? That's not really news, that happens all the time there. Yuck.*I don't know whose musical stylings I care less about. You, Corby, or Big Dumb Danny. Yuck.*TCU is a done deal as was Iguodala to the Mavs? Or a done deal as your paternity story? Yuck.

And to end it...keep catering to that certain demographic that's upping your ratings.  Too bad they don't come to this blog. I hear they're not really into technology like smart phones and such, but they love them some Nascar and strippers. Yuck.

Have a great weekend sporties. The weather is looking great, get the kids to stop playing videogames and experience the outdoors.


-Cowboys: Crap, I don't ever want any players out for that weekends game, it just leaves the door open for any excusses.

-Russ Martin: he's still around?

-Garrett: that guys off the hook, or chain. Depending on what side of the tracks you are from.

-M.Young: it's your team, MVP of the Rangers.

-Dez Bryant: T.O. showed Williams how to bitch, Williams showed Bryant. When are these guys going to learn to grow up a bit earlier in life? What skeletons are in Bryants closet from OSU?

-Get close to my white truck and meet MR. Tow-ball.

-Gilbert, could be decent, under a dimmer spotlight.

-Hall: just doing his job.

-Last Meal: no

-TCU: be carefull, read the fineprint.

-Cowboys Rushing: What would happen if RB Barber was still here with those big running numbers, 2yard run to the right, 5 yards short of the first down, gets up with a spring in his step.

-Racing: meh

King Dong
King Dong

This mike modano press conference is a beating.  the last time I heard a man cry this much rj sloppy was taking richie up the butt under a homeless shelter bridge

Carol J Robles
Carol J Robles

Remember when the Mavs won it all and RW dismissed the red shoes?  I will even go so far as to say he disowned them.  Get ready for his "he's been a fan for life" it's coming folks...have fun and get good 


*******Forgot to mention, I will be 3-0 after this weekend.  TnC is owning SFFB!  Pow!

Fat Sam
Fat Sam

He's busy remodeling his garage. Its costing him hundreds.

Fat Sam
Fat Sam

He's remodeling his garage. Its costing him hundreds.


He was a failed bit. He sucked bigger dick than JSIB.

TCU White Trash
TCU White Trash

I was kidding dumb ass. We were talking about how few people were at the final A's home game yesterday and I joked that we get more people to come out to our remotes. Keep listening!

the truth
the truth

RMS has even less listeners than the Tardline. the only thing Russ Martin can beat is women and he needed a gun for that.



12,000 people at a remote would require 12,000 listeners. Ha!


Richie facialized your woman again, huh? It's the only reason someone would post the shit you just did.


That wasn't me that you were hearing, but it's pretty fucked up that you apparently hang out where you can hear gay people fucking under a homeless bridge.

Fuck, at least think through your dumbass insults.

Romo's punctured lung
Romo's punctured lung

I called him out on ignoring the Rangers in May and he said they weren't worth writing about because they wouldn't even win the AL West. How did that work out for him?

Josh's broken records
Josh's broken records

Missed you since your great RW/Rhad observation on the twitterer sir..all quality points..and Yeppers on the wife japping you.

Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett

Ah, he's still around. Remember, Irwin M. Fletcher was a master of disguise. Never know which character he is these days.

Also, RJ, did you steal Old Betsy last week? Couldn't find her for a few days. When I did, she was covered in blood and feces like maybe you shoved her up your ass.

Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett

I remember an episode of Leave it to Beaver where Eddie was picking on Theodore. Wally said "Cut it out, Eddie. Quit dicking the Beav." I was in college and stoned off my gourd so it was a lot funnier then. But still funny.


cut it out before i clobber ya

TCU White Trash
TCU White Trash

No, not really. You can come to a remote without being a listener. Today we are at Academy in Arlington. Do you think everone that showed up today listens to us? No.Some of them were just there to shop and they found us. Good exposure for the station. When and what station are you on the radio? I want to listen the next time you are on.

Josh's broken records
Josh's broken records

Homo-erectus sucks at this kind of banter..go back to banging two dil's together! POW!


Yeah, I've been staying pretty busy lately.  "Parenthood" is finally starting to pick up...between work and my daughter doing dance, cheer and soccer.  I haven't had much time for the Sportatorium but from looking at RW's posts, I haven't missed much.

nothing new here
nothing new here

poW!....no hold on.....pOw!....ah shit.....PoWpoW!....just a sec.......


By your logic I can stand at the entrance of the Death Star on Monday night, prattle on about whatever I want, and claim I have tens of thousands of people visiting my remote. "In the vicinity of" doesn't mean "attended", moron.

Plus the irony of someone who either is or is pretending to be someone one very minor fuckup from being lucky to find a job on air in Tulsa asking where I can be heard. All are recovering addicts dicks, or just you? Or are you just a poser-dick?

And I can be heard on The Observer's Sportatorium blog in written format. You're welcome for my input making this place less shitty.


same argument as "you never played, why do you have an opinion?"didn't hold water then, doesn't now.

Josh's broken records
Josh's broken records

I'd bet 92.1 Cleburne gets as good of ratings.. just for tradedays.. Where do y'all rank vs that? Weaker than the paper towels they test against Bounty..Bitches!


"When and what station are you on the radio?"HELLO THERE! I'm KAAM Goodtime Oldies and Geritol commercials. How do you do? Want to  touch my dial?

Harry Ballzack
Harry Ballzack

the only happy meal he gets is the dried splooge from richies anus
