Tell the EPA to Ban Diesel in Fracking Fluids!

by TXsharon on June 27, 2012

in hydraulic fracturing

Tell the EPA to Ban Diesel in Fracking Fluids!

Comment before July 9 on EPA’s Guidance on Diesel Use in Fracking Fluids

Diesel Map
Diesel map from the Energy and Commerce Committee

The EPA has recently developed a process for oil and gas companies that want to use diesel for fracking. This is the first federal policy focused on protecting drinking water sources from hydraulic fracturing, but it still isn’t enough!

We need the EPA to set formal rules banning the use of diesel in hydraulic fracturing in order to protect our drinking water from contamination by hazardous chemicals like benzene, tolulene, ethylbenzene and xylene. These chemicals are extremely dangerous because they may cause numerous health problems including cancer, kidney and liver problems and nervous system damage.

We also need the EPA to establish a broad definition for diesel that includes all diesel mixtures that pose a threat to underground sources of drinking water so that the industry cannot skirt their responsibility to comply with this regulation.

The EPA has opened a formal public comment period which will end July 9th. We need your help showing the EPA that communities don’t want diesel contaminating their drinking water!

TAKE ACTION: Tell the EPA to ban diesel from hydraulic fracturing!


Thank you!

Lauren Pagel, Policy Director.


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